
(PHP 5 CVS only)

mysqli_data_seek -- Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitary row in the result


void mysqli_data_seek ( resource result, int offset)

The mysqli_data_seek() function seeks to an arbitrary result pointer specified by the offset in the result set represented by result. The offset parameter must be between zero and the total number of rows minus one (0..mysqli_num_rows() - 1).

Note: This function can only be used with results attained from the use of the mysqli_store_result() function.

Example 1. Using the mysqli_data_seek function

    /* Open a connection */
    $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
    /* Get some rows and store them */
    $query = "SELECT DINSTINCT name FROM employee ORDER BY name";
    $result = mysqli_query($query) or die(mysqli_error()):

    $rows = mysqli_store_result($result);

    $total = mysqli_num_fields($rows);

    if ($total > 0) { // there is at least one row
        /* Get the last employee */
        mysqli_data_seek($rows, mysqli_num_rows($result) -1);
        $employee = mysqli_fetch_row($rows);
        printf ("Employee name : %s\n", $employee[0]);


See also mysqli_store_result(), mysqli_fetch_row() and mysqli_num_rows().