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* '''UBI''' = Universal Basic Income; '''GBI''' = Guaranteed Basic Income. (What's the difference? Any other acronyms for the same idea?)

* Thomas Piketty on '''[https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/03/pikettys-new-book-explores-how-economic-inequality-is-perpetuated/ the historical roots of economic inequality]'''
* ''Sun'' article: [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-explores-universal-basic-income-for-post-pandemic-world/wcm/3a159b1e-dae0-4621-be21-e93ec5d333e9/amp/ B.C. considers post-pandemic UBI]
* On April 17, 2018, ''Global News'' published an [https://globalnews.ca/news/4149318/guaranteed-income-43-billion-a-year/ analysis of a GBI in Canada].
* '''[https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2018/universal-basic-income-pros-cons Pros & Cons of UBI]'''
* ''Global News'' article "[https://globalnews.ca/news/6804097/canada-basic-income-policy/ Coronavirus pandemic raises question: Is it time for a basic income?]
* ''The Guardian'' calls for a post-COVID-19 '''''[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/24/covid-19-has-changed-everything-now-we-need-a-revolution-for-a-born-again-world Revolution!]''''' (of sorts).
* ''Bloomberg'': Poloz says a '''[https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/cerb-like-mechanism-could-help-country-respond-to-future-economic-shocks-poloz-1.1439551 CERB-like]''' UBI could benefit Canada.
* ''Tamarack Inst.'' is hosting a '''[https://events.tamarackcommunity.ca/basic-income-youth webinar]''' on "Basic Income and Youth" at 9AM PT May -- ''[https://events.tamarackcommunity.ca/basic-income-youth register here]]''.

Latest revision as of 16:24, 24 September 2022

OFC Meetings --> here



  • UBI = Universal Basic Income; GBI = Guaranteed Basic Income. (What's the difference? Any other acronyms for the same idea?)