. . . )1
If you go to $ n$ much larger than 10, it might be wise to plot $ \log F_n$ vs. $ n$ .
. . . WikipediA2
You can Google them, or go directly to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauli_matrices or http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PauliMatrices.html to get a nice compact introduction to their mathematical properties. Be sure you understand what "Hermitian" and "unitary" mean.
. . . particle.3
Actually, the Pauli matrices can be used to describe the quantum mechanics of any two-state system, which makes them useful not only in elementary particle physics but also in a wide variety of quantum computing topics.
. . . matrices.4
I don't find MatLab to be as great as it claims, since I have not found a compact, elegant way to express the three Pauli matrices $ \{\sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z\}$ as a vector $ \Vec{\sigma}$ of matrices in MatLab, even though that is a "natural" description in Physics. This is possible with python; Google NumPy for Matlab Users.
. . . thoroughly.5
You'll thank me later!
. . . respectively.6
Thus $ \vert \! \uparrow \rangle$ and $ \vert \! \downarrow \rangle$ are the eigenvectors of $ \sigma_z$ : operating on them with $ \sigma_z$ is the same as multiplying them by a number which is their eigenvalue with respect to $ \sigma_z$ . In the language of spin orientation, the eigenvalue is the projection of the particle's spin along the $ \Vec{z}$ direction). This follows from the fact that $ \sigma_z$ is diagonal.
. . . vectors,7
Such an interaction is known as a contact interaction or a hyperfine interaction or a Heisenberg spin-spin interaction.
. . . diagonal.8
If you need help with this, just ask!
. . . . 9
Actually there are $ \ell \ne 0$ states mixed into the "$ 1s$ " state of a hydrogen atom if the two spins are parallel; but this is a very small effect.