. . . assignment.1
Any time I put something inside angle brackets, like "<you>", it stands for some (hopefully self-evident) string that will be different for each person. In this case "<you>" refers to your login ID on hyper, without the angle brackets. In my case, for instance, it would stand for "jess".
. . . tar2
Historically, tar is so named from "tape archiver", although actual tape is rarely used any more.
. . . part.3
Hint: tar -tzvf $HOME/HW.tar.gz will show you the contents of your compressed backup file.
. . . do.4
A shell script is actually unnecessary for this task; the whole operation can be expressed in one line, using the ";" terminator to break up the line into several commands - which means you really should just create an alias in your .bashrc file to do it. But for this Assignment please put it in a bck.sh script.
. . . added.5
To run a program (or script) that is in your PATH (check this with "echo $PATH") you just type the name of the file. To run fib.sh in your current directory ("."), assuming it is actually in that directory, use "./fib.sh" instead.
. . . BARD!6
Bard, playwright, writes scripts, get it? Oh, never mind.
. . . fact.7
For factorial, get it? Oh, never mind.
. . . eh?8
Simple, until you have to do it! Note that the first two factorials (F0 and F1) are identical.
. . . point.9
Hint: No one said this should be efficient. If you just generate all the Fn from scratch every time, and stop when you reach a value greater than or equal to the first argument, you will have no troubles. But don't start printing until you get to the requested starting point.
. . . opinion10
In Geek, "IMHO". For a list of others, Google "Geek acronymns".
. . . directory.11
Note: in PHP, a double slash ("//") anywhere in a line makes everything to the right of the // a comment -- i.e. ignored by the PHP processor.