. . . "Turing-complete",1
Google it!
. . . user.2
Also recall the factorials script in Assignment 3.
. . . functions3
A function is like a subroutine that returns just one "answer" - compare linfit which returns two: p0 and p1. If you declare a function like function squared (x) you might call it in the form y = squared(x) in your main program.
. . . linfit4
Note how clever gfortran is: you don't need to tell it which object module(s) you need from the libmy.a library (which may archive many!) - it will go look for whatever it is missing in that archive.
. . . doing,5
Very few users of Makefiles have any idea how they work when they first try one out! But after a few adaptations to their own purposes, they begin to get a fair idea - and this is enough for the time being.