PHYS 409 Lab Signup
We have a finite collection of experimental apparatus
designed to facilitate experiments on a variety of topics.
These are not "canned" labs; you will have to figure out
for yourself what can be measured with the available apparatus,
which things you want to measure, how, and why.
The Experiment Descriptions are meant to introduce you to the
possibilities presented by each apparatus, including its
function and capabilities, the principles on which it operates,
and the phenomena it was designed to measure.
We hope you will use the equipment creatively
(and nondestructively) for original tests
and measurements - and, ideally, discover hitherto
unknown applications thereof.
The staff of PHYS 409 will help you get things to work,
usually by directing you to appropriate manuals, but
they will not just fix it for you.
Because only one or two people can work effectively
with a given apparatus at one time, it is necessary to
assign each of you to a specific apparatus at the beginning
of the course, and again at mid-term for your second experiment.
You are welcome to work in pairs (no more than two!)
and share technical expertise,
but each person must design his/her own experiment
and take her/his own data.
To make it easier for you to select your experiments
(and negotiate with others in case of conflicts)
we have created the following Web tool:
NOTE: Choose one Experiment.
Do not try to "reserve" all the ones you think you might like.
Jess H. Brewer
Last modified: Mon Jan 7 12:41:17 PST 2008