Week |
Date |
Reading |
TOPIC(s) |
1. |
4 Jan. |
Web site |
- SHM in space and time |
simple derivation of the
wave equation |
1 Fun 1 |
"Hot Rubber Band" |
2. |
10 Jan. |
Ch. 13 |
water waves,
vibrating strings
Ch. 14 |
sound waves,
beats |
Ch. 14 |
Doppler effect |
3. |
17 Jan. |
1 Fun 2 |
"The Dreams
Stuff is Made of" |
Web site |
Quantum Mechanics
in a 1-D Nutshell" |
Ch. 35, 36 |
"From the
atom to the
Planck length" |
4. |
24 Jan. |
Ch. 10,18,19 |
Action at a Distance
- why invent a
"field"? |
Web site |
Symmetric Conservation
- Gauss' law for
&  |
More fun with
Gauss' law
5. |
31 Jan. |
1 Fun 3 |
"Double Scotch" |
Ch. 20 |
vs. Capacity |
Ch. 21 |
"C & thee"
- capacitance explored |
6. |
7 Feb. |
Ch. 22 |
"R & I"
- resistance vs. current |
Ch. 23 |
Kirchhoff's rules |
Ch. 23 |
- time constant in DC circuits |
14 Feb.
Spring Reading Break
7. |
21 Feb. |
Ch. 24 |
"I cross B"
- the Lorentz force
and why we invent  |
Ch. 25 |
"Do ,
do ,
- moving charges make
(Biot & Savart) |
Web site |
"Link-the-Loop with symmetry"
- using Ampère's law
24 Feb. 10:30-12:30 |
8. |
28 Feb. |
Third (Spring) Physics Midterm 29 Feb. 9:30
1 Fun 4 |
T.B.A. |
(Bamfield 3-5 March) |
9. |
6 March |
Ch. 26 |
"Don't change that flux!"
- inductance, Faraday
& Lenz |
1 Fun 5 |
T.B.A. |
"Inductive logic"
- defining, calculating and using L |
10. |
13 March |
Ch. 28 |
& Alternating Current |
1 Fun 6 |
T.B.A. |
11. |
20 March |
Ch. 29 |
Maxwell's equations
Web site |
"Let there be
- EM waves
12. |
27 March |
Ch. 33 |
"Rainbow, rainbow!"
- thin film interference |
Handout |
"Phasors on stun"
- 2 to N slit interference |
13. |
3 April |
1 Fun 7 |
T.B.A. |
Handout |
Diffraction |
mid April |
Physics Final Examination