If quarks are "real" particles and not just a cute mnemonic metaphor
for some esoteric mathematics,
we ought to be able to "see" one in a bubble chamber or other
device "watching" a high energy scattering event. Unfortunately,
this can never be. The reason is intriguing.
Left: in first order -- two quarks exchange a
single gluon at close range.
Right: if the two quarks get too far apart, the original
gluon gets an chance to branch into several guons,
strengthening the attractive force.
Thus, try as we might, we can never create a free quark. We can never "see" these ubiquitous particles that make up everything around us except leptons. This is very frustrating and for years led many particle physicists to insist that quarks were just figments of theorists' imaginations. But of course the paradigm works too well to be abandoned and the skeptics have by now pretty much given up.