One of the difficulties of our time-of-flight measurements was its low event rate. Although our accuracy for the molecular formation rate is not dominated by the statistical uncertainty, the small size of the fusion data sample made it difficult for us to investigate thoroughly the systematic effects such as background subtraction. More data would help us to understand these effects better, and reduce the uncertainties.
At the present moment, theoretical uncertainties due to solid state effects
give a large contribution to our total uncertainty. It is hoped that the
situation will be improved in the near future, as theoretical efforts are
underway. As discussed in Appendix B, the evaluation of the back-decayed
energy would be necessary to significantly improve the accuracy of
our measurements.
For better determination of the RT energy and
resonance energy,
more precise knowledge of the target spacing distance would be
required. Measurement in-situ of the distance is not trivial in our
setup, and appropriate methods should be investigated. Some minor
modification of our gold target support (e.g., using a flat plate
rather a than very thin foil for the DS) could help to better define this
As a future project for our collaboration, I have spent a considerable
amount of effort in the past few years, together with Peter Kammel and Glen
Marshall, in developing a new method for a direct measurement of the
sticking probability using the multilayer solid
targets [179,237,171]. Sticking, as discussed in Chapter
1, places the most stringent limit on the fusion yield per muon, hence, has
attracted much attention in this field, but the discrepancy between
experiment and theory persists to date. Most previous experiments are
sensitive to the final sticking, which is a combination of initial sticking
and stripping, hence cannot be readily compared with theory. Taking
advantage of our multilayer target, we propose to (a) experimentally
separate initial sticking and stripping, and (b) unambiguously determine
sticking at high density where the CF efficiency is highest, but the
discrepancy is largest. The experiment is already approved by the TRIUMF
Experimental Evaluation Committee, but our situation is a little unclear
due to funding difficulties. The further discussion of this experiment is
beyond scope of this thesis and interested readers are referred to
Refs. [179,237,171].