In this method,
the cycling rates, measured at various target conditions (such as the tritium
concentration ct, temperature T, and the density ), are
fitted to an expression describing the kinetics model. Molecular
formation rates
together with quantities such as
transfer rate
and q1s, are the fitting
parameters. A simplified expression for
reads [67]:
The molecular formation rate depends not only on the
state F, but also on the target molecular species. Thus,
consists of different components
As Cohen points out [4], further complication in the conventional method comes from the lack of precise characterization of the parameter q1s (the probability that the muon reaches the ground state of before transferring to a triton). Its behavior suggested by the cycling fit is in large disagreement with theoretical expectations of its ct and dependence. Independent measurements of qpd1s for pd transfer are emerging [37], but no direct information is yet available for the dt case.
Furthermore, the recent suggestion by Froelich and Wallenius of a resonant side-path in D/T cycling [44,49] (see Section 1.2.4) could have significant impact in the extraction of the formation rate from the cycling rate.
Finally, it should be noted that in these analyses using single rates, the energy dependences of the processes are averaged out.