Rather constant behaviour of the formation rate
observed by experiments, especially at low
temperature [62,65], together with an unexpected density
dependence of the formation rate [63]. This led theorists to
consider extensions of the classical Vesman mechanism of resonant molecular
formation which assumed an isolated two-body collision and the
function resonance profile, as adopted in
Refs. [133,71,72]. Recall that the Vesman model was
very successful in the
case [12]. In the
however, strong resonance levels are expected to exist just below the
threshold, e.g.,
at -14.0meV,
at -4.3 meV, and
at -11.7 meV
for F=0 [4]. These transitions have large matrix elements
because of the strong overlap of the wave functions.
Two main mechanisms to access these subthreshold (i.e., negative energy) resonances are: (1) intrinsic resonance width due to the finite lifetime of the molecular complex (mainly the Auger decay width), and (2) three-body or many-body collisions in which the other body (or bodies) absorbs the excess energy. The mechanism (1) is density independent, but (2) depends on the surrounding environment.
There have been many attempts to treat the subthreshold resonances
[158,159,160,161,162,163,144], however,
complete understanding has not yet been achieved. For example, the use of
the Breit-Wigner profile adopted in Ref. [158] was criticized in
Ref. [160,161] at least for the high density situation.
Despite these criticisms, Petrov's calculation for the formation rate for
at low temperature and low
density [145,146] seems to agree with the value suggested by
the PSI measurement (
s) [22]. Armour recently
proposed a new approach beyond the Born
approximation [164,165], which also predicts non-zero width
resonance profiles, but its application is still limited [121] and
comparison with experiment is not yet possible.
We note, however, that for epithermal molecular formation, the resonant widths considered in these models are smaller than the Doppler broadening; thus the effects are negligible.