Next: Fusion and back decay
Up: Muonic processes
Previous: Nonresonant molecular formation
As discussed in detail in earlier chapters,
these are indeed the key rates which we wish to test by our measurements.
The nominal rates for the resonant formation were taken from the work of
Faifman and his colleagues (Refs. [133,70,71,72]),
calculated for isolated target molecules at 3 K with the quadrupole
interaction included, but correlations among target molecules not taken
into account. These rates are calculated separately for different
hyperfine states, and target molecule rotational states (ortho and
para). Since our D2 layers were made by rapid freezing of warm gas, it
is expected that the ortho-para ratio is statistical (2 to 1), and is so
assumed in the simulations. The predicted rates by Faifman are
given Fig. 2.4. A peak value for F=1 in ortho D2 for
example is
s-1 with a resonance energy of 0.45 eV.