Solid C60 and its alkali intercalated compounds are molecular solids, i.e. their solid state properties bear a strong relationship to the properties of their isolated molecular constituents. Therefore, this section begins with a discussion of some general features of the alkali fullerides which originate in their molecularity: i) their electronic band structures and ii) the structure of their phonon spectra.
The electronic band structure of pure C60,
within a few
eV of the Fermi Energy (EF), consists of bands composed of the molecular orbitals discussed in the previous section. The bands are
narrow because the intermolecular overlap is small. Due to the
high electron affinity of C60, doping with alkali metals results
in essentially complete charge transfer (ionization of the alkali).
In the alkali fullerides, bands in which the electron is associated with the
alkali ion lie far above EF. Thus the band structure near EF
is again determined by the C60 molecular orbitals.
The simplest model of the band structure of the alkali-fullerides is
the ``rigid band'' picture. In this model the intermolecular overlap
is assumed to change little upon doping, and the bands are determined
by those of the undoped solid C60. By changing the doping
level, one simply alters the filling of the
``conduction'' band derived from the LUMO of C60, so the filling can
be tuned from empty to full as the alkali stoichiometry varies from
0 to 6 per C60.
C60 and alkali fulleride band structure
calculations are reviewed in several places, e.g.
There is also abundant experimental confirmation of the abovementioned
general features of the band structures which are reviewed in, e.g.
While this simplistic picture explains the semiconducting nature of pure solid C60, the insulating nature of A6C60, and the metallic nature of A3C60, it does not account for the observed non-metallic behaviour of, e.g. K4C60[14], since 4 electrons per C60 should yield a partially filled conduction band and thus metallic behaviour. This brings us to another general aspect of the electronic structure of metallic molecular solids, that is, their tendency to undergo metal-insulator transitions which compete with the superconducting transition. An excellent discussion of this topic may be found in the article by Rosseinsky[15] which places the conducting alkali fullerides in the context of other molecular metals. The repulsive coulomb interaction between electrons competes with their kinetic energy (e.g. [16]). When the kinetic term dominates, the band (or Fermi liquid theory) description of the conduction electrons is valid, but if the Coulomb repulsion is sufficiently strong, the electrons may become localized, and form a Mott-Hubbard insulator. Recent experimental work suggests that this is the case in A4C60 [17]. Generally, the limited kinetic energy of narrow band metals allows any interaction that tends to localize the carriers (e.g. electron-electron, electron-phonon, electron-defect interactions) to have a better chance of doing so.
Another class of metal-insulator transitions is also important in
molecular metals.
In this case, nesting of the Fermi surface causes a feature
(divergence in the ideal 1d case) in the
electron susceptibility at a particular wavevector called
the nesting wavevector, (discussed below).
The effect can occur
in any dimension, but is most pronounced in 1d.
Transitions of this class are known as Peierls, Spin-Peierls,
Charge Density Wave, and Spin Density Wave (SDW)
(see, e.g. [18]).
Such transitions
are probably not important in the A4C60 situation, but may be
relevant to the metal-insulator transitions in Rb1C60 and
Cs1C60 (see section 1.2.2).
For this reason, a brief description of the SDW state is included here.
In contrast to the localization of conduction electrons in a Mott-Hubbard
insulator, in the SDW (and similar states), the conduction electrons
remain delocalized, but their spectrum becomes gapped at EF.
The phenomenon was first suggested by Overhauser[19] in the
context of the free electron gas.
The Fermi surface is found to be unstable to perturbations at the
wavevector , and the Coulomb interaction (between electrons) has
a component at this wavevector, since the (unscreened) q-space form of this
interaction is
SDWs have been found for example
in such 3d systems as chromium and its alloys(e.g. [21,22])
and 1d molecular metals such as the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2PF6,
where TMTSF is tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene (e.g. [23]).
In a SDW, the density of conduction electrons
contains periodic spatial modulations at the nesting wavevector which are
not in phase for the two spin states,
the consequence is a continuously modulated
net magnetic moment, which can be quite small, e.g. .A SDW is thus related to the antiferromagnetic
state of local moments, in the sense that its ordering wavevector is
away from the Brillouin zone centre.
The SDW wavevector will not, in general, be commensurate with the underlying
The acoustic properties of solid C60 and its alkali salts
also exhibit conspicuous
molecular features. For pure C60, the basis of the crystal
lattice consists of (at least) the 60 carbon atoms, and, thus, there are
at least modes. For simple solids with a small basis,
the phonon modes are conveniently categorized into
Longitudinal/Transverse/Optical/Acoustic modes. For a molecular solid,
the appropriate classification scheme is to connect
the intramolecular phonon branches to their molecular vibration
counterparts. The remaining intermolecular modes are of two types:
vibrational modes which are of the standard 1 atom per basis varieties
(with the C60 molecule taking the role of a large atom), and
the rotational modes (librons).
One can make this molecular picture more concrete by considering the
well discussed example of the diatomic linear chain
(e.g. chapter 4 of [24]). If we take the molecular limit, where the
bonding is much stronger within a molecule than between molecules, 2 of the
optical branches correspond to the intramolecular modes, and the
characteristic frequency is near that of the vibrational modes of the
free molecule. The 3 longitudinal modes and
remaining optical mode correspond to
the intermolecular and librational modes, respectively.
The libronic mode is optical (e.g. [25])
and its frequency can be
found from an effective orientational potential for the molecule in the solid.