This thesis reports SR measurements of the internal magnetic
field distribution n(B) in LuNi2B2C at temperatures T between
under a
magnetic field
applied parallel to the crystal c axis.
SR data are analysed with a nonlocal London model [11]
specifically for borocarbide superconductors, assuming the square vortex
lattice appropriate for these temperature T and external field H
conditions. The
results of this analysis enable a number of conclusions to be drawn
regarding nonlocality and the behaviour of the penetration depth
and core radius
with temperature T in LuNi2B2C.
Nonlocality plays an important role in the vortex state of LuNi2B2C. The incorporation of first order nonlocal corrections into the traditional London model improves the fit quality dramatically by qualitatively modifying the fitted internal magnetic field distribution n(B). In comparison to the field distribution n(B) produced for a square vortex lattice by the basic London model, the inclusion of these nonlocal terms considerably diminishes the spectral weight of the low field shoulder and generates a small peak at the lowest field B in the distribution n(B).
The penetration depth
in LuNi2B2C increases slightly from
at temperature
The form of the measured penetration depth temperature variation
agrees with that expected for a BCS s-wave superconductor, although the
error bars suffice in size for the observed temperature dependence
to be consistent with weak linear growth. Such a linear rise in the
penetration depth
at low temperatures would imply the
presence of low energy delocalised quasiparticles. However the
considerably reduced steepness of the possible linear growth in LuNi2B2C
relative to that observed for YBa2Cu3O6.95 means that the energy
anisotropy in LuNi2B2C is much less than would be generated
by line nodes.
The core radius
in LuNi2B2C contracts linearly upon cooling
through the investigated temperature interval. The rate of core shrinkage
is remarkably slower than anticipated from the predicted Kramer-Pesch effect.
The zero temperature core radius
determined by comparison with NbSe2 data, greatly exceeds the proposed
However, the extrapolated quantum
limit temperature
for LuNi2B2C agrees well
with the expected value
Surprisingly, the behaviour
of the core radius
with reduced temperature T/Tc is
almost identical in nearly three-dimensional LuNi2B2C and
quasi two-dimensional NbSe2. This similarity indicates that longitudinal
disorder of vortices exerts negligible influence on
SR measurements of
the vortex core radius
and that quasiparticles in these two
superconductors act in much the same manner. As is the case for NbSe2,
the weakness of the observed Kramer-Pesch effect in LuNi2B2C points
to the need for theoretical work on the temperature dependence of
vortex structure to take into account zero point motion of vortices and
vortex-vortex interactions.