I would like to thank Rob Kiefl for his excellent supervision of the
work which led to this thesis, his steady stream of advice,
and his continual encouragement and support. He, Jeff Sonier and
Roger Miller taught me how to fit SR superconductivity data
to a theoretical model. They, together with Sarah Dunsiger,
Jacques Chakhalian, Gerald Morris, Jess Brewer and the TRIUMF
technical staff, including Mel Good and Bassam Hitti, assisted
greatly in the setup and running of the experiment described in this
thesis. They also answered my many questions about the
technique. Paul Canfield provided the sample studied in this
experiment. I thank Jess Brewer additionally for giving this thesis
its second reading, and am grateful to the Canadian Institute of Advanced
Research for enabling me to meet with numerous researchers
in the field of superconductivity.