If we now let
so that
, we have
Completing the square,
, giving
The definite integral has the value
(look it up in a table of integrals!) giving
That is, the rms width of the wave packet about its
initial mean of
and the product of the x and k widths obeys the
uncertainty relation
at t = 0.
The width of the wave packet,
, therefore increases
with time from its minimum value
at t = 0.
The time dependence can be calculated with some effort
(not shown here);
the result is
The normalization constant A will decrease with time
(as the spatial extent of the wave packet increases)
in order to maintain
Thus the probability of finding the particle within dx of
its mean position
steadily decreases with time as the wave packet disperses.
This raises the question: What do the "wiggles" represent? When the particle is (on average) at rest, its wave packet is just a "bump" that spreads out with time; when it is moving, it acquires all these oscillations of phase with a wavelength satisfying de Broglie's formula. Is it really "there" at the peaks and "not there" at the points where the function crosses the axis? No. Except for the overall "envelope" it is just as "there" at one point as at another. This is a direct consequence of using the complex exponential form (rather than a cosine) for the travelling wave. Although the plots above show only the real part, there is an imaginary part that is a maximum when the real part is zero and vice versa so that the absolute magnitude is always (except for the overall "envelope") the same.
In that case, what is the point of even having these "wiggles?" Well, although no experiment can measure the absolute phase of a wavefunction, the relative phase of two probability amplitudes being added together is what causes interference, which is the key to all observable quantum mechanical phenomena.
It is also worth remembering that by adding together two travelling waves propagating in opposite directions it is possible to make a standing wave, whose wavefunction really is a real oscillatory function for which the particle is actually never found at positions where the amplitude is zero.