One of Niels Bohr's main contributions to Physics
was his assertion (backed up by experiment) that
angular momentum is quantized -
it can only occur in integer multiples of .
Erwin Schr´'odinger showed why this was true for
the wave functions of the hydrogen atom, but by that
time Bohr's principle had been elevated to an empirical
"law" of Physics that went well beyond the realm of atoms.
Schr´'odinger also showed the peculiar nature of the
quantization of
: first, its magnitude obeys
can only have integer values from zero to
, n being the principle quantum number
for which
in the case of hydrogen;
second, its projection onto the z axis obeys
can take on
only integer values from
Note that Bohr's original prescription for angular
momentum quantization (integer multiples of
is actually applicable to the z component
- its projection
onto the z
quantization axis, which is chosen arbitrarily
unless there is a magnetic field applied, in which case
is always chosen along the field,