Muon Decay Asymmetry
Angular distribution of the e+
from µ+ decay: the
asymmetry (anisotropy) of the distribution is 100%
for the highest e+ energy (52.83 MeV)
and zero (i.e., an isotropic distribution)
for half as big an e+ energy.
For zero e+ energy (not shown)
the asymmetry is negative.

Solid lines: energy spectrum E(x)/2 (e+
energy = x times 52.83 MeV)
from normal µ+ decay
and x-dependence of µ+ decay asymmetry
a(x) [degree of correlation between e+ momentum
and µ+ spin direction].
Dashed line: weighted µ+ decay
asymmetry spectrum, the product of E(x)/2 and a(x).
Jess H. Brewer
Last modified: Fri Nov 28 17:53:24 EST