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The basic unit of radiation dose used to be the `` rad,'' defined in terms of the energy deposited by ionizing radiation per unit mass of exposed matter ( e.g., flesh or bone):

1 rad = 100 erg/g

( g means gram here.) More recently, for some reason this nice mnemonic unit has been officially supplanted by yet another ``personal name SI unit'' (presumably meant to honour some distinguished individual), the ``Gray:''

1 Gray = 100 rad = 1 J/kg

Early work on radiation hazards was based on X-ray exposure [I can remember sticking my feet into the fluoroscope at the corner shoe store and looking at my foot bones inside my new shoes; it was quite popular about 40 years ago] and the units used were always roentgen (after the scientist by that name), which are about the same as rad for X-rays only, and are virtually unused today. Later it was found that even the rad was too simple; different types of radiation ( e.g., neutrons) were found to be more (or less) destructive than X-rays for different types of tissues, so an empirical ``fudge factor'' called the Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) was invented to account for these differences (averaged over all body parts, of course, which decreased its usefulness). The RBEs of -rays, X-rays and -rays (fast electrons) are all 1 by definition; thermal neutrons have an average RBE of 3; fast neutrons (on average), protons and -rays (4He nuclei) all have RBEs of 10; and fast heavy ions have an RBE of 20. (Actually, the RBE of neutrons varies tremendously for different tissues and is a complicated function of the neutron energy because of the energy-dependence of the neutron capture cross-sections of different elements. Neutrons are very bad.)

A new unit was then constructed by combining the RBE with the dosage in rads, namely the rem (roentgen equivalent to man), defined by

rem = RBE * rad

The ``R'' in the preceding paragraph stands for rem and the ``mR'' for millirem -- one thousandth of a rem.

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