Cranbrook Class of 1963

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Revision as of 13:24, 28 December 2007 by Jess (talk | contribs)
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Back in 2003 I set up a PHP-nuke (or postnuke, I forget which) portal-type site for our 40th Reunion, and that was (IMHO) a bit of a flop, pertly because no one actually posted anything. Well, almost no one. Also it got hacked by spammers and pornographers, which was a hassle and a hazard, so I took it down. A wiki site like this is a little less susceptible to hackers, since anything can be summarily deleted and/or reverted and abusers can be locked out with a few keystrokes. Also if you have ever played with the WikipediA you know how this works and (I hope!) will not be timid about registering yourself, hitting that little edit tab and adding your $0.02 worth. Look what it did for them/us!

Anyway, rather than pretty up this main page, I'm going to leave that to you (for now) and add a couple of essential subpages (you can create more if you like):

Cranbrook Class of 1963 - Life Stories

Cranbrook Class of 1963 - 45th Reunion

Cranbrook Class of 1963 - Gossip