Quentin's Tribute to Marj

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Marj & Willard --> here


JUNE 23 2011


Number five and I’m alive in nineteen fifty eight

Marj and Willard found a second round of Summer procreate

I was fifth but soon was followed by little Marj and Mo

The 3 young kids were here; who knows where they will go!

The older kids were on the skids already bully brats

At least that was my memory until I’m wearing slacks.

The diapers I don’t remember, good times I guess for dults,

But then come sports and music; it’s all about results.

A poorly played piano, an out of tune trombone,

Some really bad rehearsals, my kids have got my tone!

But I will make them better, with lessons till they scream

And soon those things they think they hate will help fulfill a dream.

It’s all about no sympathy for wanting less than best

With total love, and a shove, she made us top the test

But this was by example for she would never fail

To lead with deed and passion, no hill to tall to scale.

The teachers went on strike, well Mom filled in the breach

In Sunday school she taught the rule with love beyond our reach

She car pooled us to everywhere, I can’t imagine now

She was a saint of sacrifice no service made her bow,

Except for those before our God, who had her most respect

She taught us all of Jesus, his love a gift we get.

For simple recognition and forgiveness of our sins

She taught that love of others was a means unto an end

The younger guy, the under guy was always her first charge

How could she make them better, how could she make them large?

In their own thoughts and learning of how the world goes round

Could she just make a difference one person newly found?

Her independent thinking, her will to make life better

Was in her constitution, was in her life-long letter

And when life threw a curveball and put her in that chair

No pity party for that girl she soldiered on with flair

She challenged us to let her live a life with attitude

Again she showed that character of strength and fortitude

For all her own and all she touched is how she will be known

A tapestry of leadership and family first she’s sewn.

This poem would be remiss without a simple end

Mom you gave me life and love, I miss you my dear friend.