Uncivil War

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CuckoosNest --> Fiction --> Collective Novels --> here

On Tue, July 30, 2013 9:52 am, Jess H. Brewer wrote: 

Hey, let's write a group novel! Or screenplay, better yet. Scenario: asymmetrical warfare has broken out in the USA: in Red States the troops are harassed by guerrilla Liberals, Democrats, Tree-Huggers and Baby-Killers; in Blue States the troops are harassed by guerrilla Conservatives, Republicans, Bankers and Libertarians. I see it as a rather dark TV action-comedy, sort of like Idiocracy crossed with Mad Max, plus dabs of Dexter, House of Cards, 30 Rock and Survivor.

I'll host it on my wiki if anyone is interested. We could take turns writing short chapters: everyone willing to participate adds their name to the list of co-authors, then the first person to write something gets to choose whom to pass the pen to, and so on until everyone has had a turn; after that the same sequence is locked in unless people make swap arrangements. (This prevents us all from demanding that Vince go next every other time. :-)

Subsequent suggestions and revisions... hey, you guys can type these in (or cut and paste) yourselves! I'm skipping to the TOC. Note that it's important to tag pages with the title in order to "disambiguate" them from other pages of the same name in different parts of the wiki.... -- Jick 12:15, 4 August 2013 (PDT)

Uncivil War - Foreward

Uncivil War - Preface

Uncivil War - Chapter 1

Uncivil War - Chapter 2

Uncivil War - Chapter 3

Uncivil War - Acknowledgements