Talk:Bob Riley's Life Story

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Cranbrook.gif - Cranbrook Class of 1963 --> Cranbrook Class of 1963 - Life Stories --> Bob Riley's Life Story --> here

Great stuff, Riles! I'm ashamed it took me this long to read it through carefully.

I reckon that by now we all have at least an inkling that our most important accomplishments are probably those random acts of kindness or understanding that made someone's day a little brighter and/or shifted their path towards better destinies - acts that neither we nor they even remember. All the "milestones" are just markers, mementos of memories we once had but have now lost.

Based on your proposal, I created Cranbrook Class of 1963 - Memories and copied your three favorites thereto.

-- Jick 16:54, 2 December 2013 (PST)