Tom Estle Summer Scholarships

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We are preparing a more elegant (and static) Web page for the Tom Estle Summer Scholarships on our main server, but before it is "frozen" we would like everyone who knew Tom to have a chance to correct and/or add to the description of his life, his contributions to science and his adventures at TRIUMF to be included therein. Hence this wiki page. If you have something to add (or subtract, or change) please just do it. This is not a blog. You don't have to ask anyone's permission. Thank you! - Jess Brewer


  • travel, room, board & stipend supplied by CMMS/TRIUMF for a 3 month period.
  • students (either graduate or undergraduate) to work on broad range of µSR experiments, with a max of 1/3 of their time devoted to own group's work.
  • ad hoc committee (consisting of three non-affiliated µSR scientists) to decided yearly among the candidates.


The scholarship should benefit the community, and offer its holder a chance to experience a diverse range of µSR. Syd has asked Roger Lichti to contribute the background article about Tom so that people can inform themselves about the person the scholarship is named after. The holder should not expect to get his name on publications (except from that 25% he can devote to his home group's work). This is a type of "support" position, in which the supporter learns about the science of what is being supported. That sort of interpretation leaves the funding source open ... MFA, CMMS Common, µSR Facility (i.e. TRIUMF) and we can further solicit TRIUMF's help in the cost of the scholarship.


(Roger, can you get us started here?)


Deadline: the last day of the year preceding the proposed tenure of the Scholarship.


Grad students working in µSR only? How about grad students working in "closely related fields"? No undergrads? No HS students? (Recruitment is more effective the earlier it starts.)

Application Form

I will copy in something appropriate (e.g. an NSERC USRA application) and we can edit it until everyone agrees with the content.

Nomination letter from Supervisor?

References? How many from "arm's-length" referees?

Proposal letter from student?

CV from student?

Transcript of student's grades?