Personal Memories of Erich Vogt

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The Vogt family has its name from the little village Villigen where there are still many people carrying this family name and where by pure chance the SIN/PSI laboratory is located. So one day during a longer stay at the theory group of our laboratory Erich decided to pay a visit to the office of the community of Villigen. He got a somewhat coolish reception when he mentioned how his baptist family was evicted from the then Swiss confederation some 300 years ago, but nevertheless got some information on the family tree. He then reported the episode, laughingly explaining that he got the impression that the people at the office were afraid he might make some monetarian requests as an old citizen of Villigen (typically Swiss, he thought).

Lisa Vogt's Introductions

Ewart Blackmore's tribute to Erich

Eric Vogt's tribute to his Grandfather

David Vogt's tribute to his Father

Peter Vogt's tribute to his Brother

Lisa Vogt's Closing Remarks

Jess Brewer's story about Erich

Milan & Marlies Locher remember Erich