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Revision as of 18:24, 3 September 2022 by Jess (talk | contribs) (→‎Maths)
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VIU ElderCollege courses given by Jess Brewer, in reverse chronological order:


Here is the students' wiki for Easy Algebra & Calculus', a VIU ElderCollege course given by Jess H. Brewer in Jan-Feb 2022. Go to that site if you want to learn or review some easy parts of those mathematical topics.

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1. Be nice. You know what I mean.

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Note: If you want to add extraneous comments to "hub pages" (e.g. this one), go edit the corresponding ":talk" page.   If you want to make an actual Weblog, ask me to create a special page and then you can chat away! But please keep this well above the level of Twitter, OK?   Cheers -- Jess

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