A sphere, as we have seen, can be collapsed to a point without affecting the external field; and a point is essentially a "zero-dimensional object" - it has no properties that can help us to define a unique direction in space. The next higher-dimensional object would be one-dimensional, namely a line. What can we do with this?
In the spirit of the normal physics curriculum,
we will now stick to the example of electrostatics,
remembering that all the same arguments can be used
on gravity or indeed on other situations not involving
"force fields" at all. (Consider the sprinkler, or
a source of "rays" of light.)
Suppose that we have an "infinite line of charge,"
i.e. a straight wire with a charge
per unit length. This is pictured in Fig. 18.2.
The same sort of symmetry arguments used in Fig. 18.1
tell us that for every element of charge a distance
d above position x on the wire, there is
an equal element of charge an equal distance d
below position x, from which we can conclude
that the "transverse" contributions to the
from the opposite charge elements cancel, leaving only
the components pointing directly away from the wire;
i.e. perpendicular to the wire. In what are referred to
as "cylindrical coordinates," the perpendicular distance
from the wire to our field point is called r,
and the direction described above is the r
direction. Thus
points in the
(Indeed, if it wanted to point in another direction,
it would have to choose it arbitrarily, as there is
no other direction that can be defined uniquely
by reference to the wire's geometry!)
Given the direction of
and the "obvious"
(but nevertheless correct) fact that it must have the
same strength in all directions (i.e. it must be
independent of the "azimuthal angle"
-- another
descriptive term borrowed from celestial navigation),
we can guess at a shape for the closed surface of
Eq. (3) which will give us
either parallel to
the surface (no contribution to the outgoing flux)
or normal to the surface and constant, which will let us
take E outside the integral and just determine the
total area perpendicular to
we choose a
cylindrical shaped "pillbox" centred on the wire.
No flux escapes from the "end caps" because
parallel to the surface;
is constant in magnitude over the
curved outside surface and everywhere perpendicular
(normal) to it. Thus
The same surface, clipping off a length L of wire,
encloses a net charge
Plugged into (3), this gives
The electric field from a cylindrically symmetric charge distribution points away from the central line and falls off proportional to the inverse of the distance from the centre.This also holds in an amazing variety of situations. Applications are left to the interested student.