Eq. (9) establishes the criterion
-- i.e. the value of
for which the combined systems
have the maximum total entropy,
the maximum total number of accessible states
and the highest probability.
This also defines the condition of
THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM between the two systems -
that is, if
any flow of energy from
or back will lower
the number of accessible states and will therefore be
less likely than the configuration15.15
Therefore if we leave the systems alone
and come back later, we will be most likely to find them
in the "configuration" with
in system
in system
This seems like a pretty weak statement.
Nothing certain, just a bias in favour of
over other possible values of U1 all the way from zero to U.
That is true. STATISTICAL MECHANICS has nothing whatever
to say about what will happen, only about what is likely
to happen - and how likely!
However, when the numbers of particles involved become very large
(and in Physics they do become very large),
the fractional width of the binomial distribution
[Eq. (2)] becomes very narrow,
which translates into a probability distribution
that is incredibly sharply peaked at
As long as energy conservation is not violated,
there is nothing but luck to prevent all the
air molecules in this room from vacating the region
around my head until I expire from asphyxiation.
However, I trust my luck in this.
A quotation from Boltzmann confirms that I am in distinguished company:
"One should not imagine that two gases in a 0.1 liter container, initially unmixed, will mix, then again after a few days separate, then mix again, and so forth. On the contrary, one finds . . . that not until a time enormously long compared to 101010 years will there be any noticeable unmixing of the gases. One may recognize that this is practically equivalent to never . . . . "
-- L. Boltzmann