Gross features of Si time spectra, with different energy cuts, are
illustrated in Figs. 8.5 and
8.6. Shown in Fig. 8.5 is the Si1
time spectrum for the standard time-of-flight arrangement, whereas that for
pure H2 is given in Fig. 8.6. All the histograms
have a sharp spike at time zero, which, at least in part, comes from direct
muon stops in the Si detector. The low energy part (E<2000 ch) of the
spectra, which we saw was dominated by a large background signal
(Figs. 8.3, 8.4), has two exponential
components, a fast one with the order of 100 ns and a slow one about 2 .
This is consistent with muon disappearance rates in heavy elements and
hydrogen, respectively, suggesting the signals in this energy region come
from muon decay electrons and charged particles from muon
capture. Conversion muons from
fusion (19 MeV) could also
contribute to the long lifetime.
The time spectrum with an energy cut
2001 <E< 4000 ch in
Fig. 8.5
exhibits fusion time signals; exponentially decaying in early time (
s) is fusion from the upstream target, while events in
are mostly due to fusion from
flying across the drift distance to
reach the downstream layer (though the signal is not so clear from the
figure due to the unrestrictive energy cut).
Whereas these are obviously absent from the same energy region in
Fig. 8.6, comparison between the two figures of the
higher energy part (
4001 <E< 8000 ch) of the spectra indicates excess
events in Fig. 8.5. These events, unlikely due to
fusion since the maximum
energy is about 3.5 MeV and the
probability of pile up is very small, are attributed to emitted
reaching the Si detector where the muon is transferred to Si and then
captured, emitting charged products. In fact, the signal in this region is
enhanced when there is no moderating overlayer because of the higher yield
emission into vacuum.