With an energy cut in the second detector of
2701<E<3100 ch to select
proton events, we obtained the coincidence rates with two different time
cuts: (a)
s, and (b)
s, where
is the time
difference between the proton and the
candidate events. The yield
with time cut (b) was corrected for the cut efficiency assuming the
fusion disappearance rate of 34
s-1 given by the hyperfine
transition rate in the kinetics model [166], as well as the
average time-of-flight difference between the 3 MeV proton and 3.5 MeV
while the cut (a) required no time corrections.
The conditional solid angle for the protons given an
is detected,
could be different from the solid angle singles events, since the
detection biases the proton distribution towards the first detector ( i.e., away from the proton detector). This effect was estimated using
a Monte Carlo [212] taking into account the geometrical
correlation of the two detectors, and found to give about 10% (relative)
reduction in the second detector. Using the coincidence solid angle,
yield with the energy cut
2501<E<3700 ch,
/GMU, and the time cut
for cut (a) (
for the
cut (b)), we obtain the proton yield per dt fusion from cycling,
The inconsistency between the results from the two time cuts can be due
either to the time cut efficiency or possible presence of a prompt
background (such as
decay electron). For example, if the
fusion disappearance rate is different in a thin layer from 34
s-1 measured in bulk solid targets, the time correction made is
not appropriate. As well, with limited statistics, it is difficult to
estimate the prompt background contribution. Given the uncertainty, we take
the average of the two cuts, and quote an error covering two extremes of
the error bars. Thus we have
as the contribution from cycling. In our analysis below, we assume the
cycling proton yield per dt
to be independent of the D2 layer
thickness, which is sufficient for the accuracy required here.
We note that at late time
s, the coincidence
yield is more than an order of magnitude smaller than at early times, hence
the slow lifetime component of
(observed in bulk solid and other
targets) appears nearly absent from cycled fusion in a thin layer.
The value of
here should be compared with our earlier
estimate with the kinetics model
given by
(Eq. 8.3), which is significantly higher. It is interesting to
note, however, that our value is more or less consistent with the estimated
fast component yield in the kinetics model (
). One possibility is that the muonic deuterium in the lower hyperfine
state (
escapes from the layer before fusion takes place,
since the low rate of non-resonant fusion (
s), which is responsible for the slow component, implies a rather
long interaction length. Another possibility, of course, is that the muon
escapes from the layer before stopping to form muonic
deuterium [233]. Physics of the muon cycling and the transport in thin layers is a very interesting topic on its own, indeed.