The A1C60 phase (hereafter abbreviated A1) has the
single interstitial alkali ion (A = K, Rb or Cs) in the O-sites of the
high temperature FCC phase fullerite[57] (Fig.1.2).
This cubic phase, however,
undergoes a structural phase transition to a slightly distorted
orthorhombic phase.
The critical temperature of this transition is about 350K, but there
is a broad range of temperatures over which the two phases co-exist
(250K - 350K for Cs and 295K - 350K for Rb[58]).
Extensive Reitveld analysis of x-ray diffraction profiles
that the orthorhombic phase (o-A1)
has chains of C60, that are spaced much more closely than in the
corresponding FCC phase.
The direction of these chains is along a face diagonal
of the FCC structure (e.g. with respect to the
FCC lattice).
It is now
well accepted that in this phase the C60 units are polymerized
within the chains by the same ``2+2 cycloaddition'' mechanism suggested
for the fullerite polymer (section 1.2.1). The model proposed
to explain the x-ray diffraction has, along the polymer axis,
a short C60-C60
spacing of about 9.1Å. It also involves a stretching distortion of the
C60 along the chain axis, yielding a nearest C-C distance of
about 1.4Å which is typical of carbon bond lengths. The distortion
of the C60 molecule has been corroborated recently
by magic angle spinning NMR, which resolves the broadened 13C
resonance into several lines corresponding to inequivalent
carbon atoms[60].
The array of chains in a plane containing the nearest neighbour
chains (e.g.
) is shown in Figure 1.4.
In addition,
there is a metastable structural phase that exists if an A1
material is quenched rapidly from the FCC phase. This phase involves
C60 dimers. No experiments on the dimer phase of A1
are reported in this thesis, so it will not be discussed further.
The interested reader is directed to [61].