We now consider the o-A1 phase in more detail. As would be
expected from the simplistic rigid band model, in which the
t1u band is 1/6 full, o-A1, as well
as the high temperature cubic fcc-A1, are metallic, as shown,
for example by optical measurements[62,63].
NMR and ESR experiments indicate that the conduction electrons
may be behaving in a quasi-1-dimensional fashion, i.e. the
NMR T1 relaxation rate is temperature independent[64]
above about 100K and the ESR spin suscpetibility is large
( emu/mole) and temperature independent[65].
At low temperatures, a magnetic metal-insulator transition has been
observed[65] as a rapid drop of the ESR spin susceptibility
below about 50K (for A = Rb or Cs).
Interestingly, this transition does not appear for A = K.
It was originally suggested[65] that the magnetic
phase is of the SDW type (see discussion above), although
no conclusive evidence was provided.
We note that high temperature NMR measurements[58]
on the cubic phase
of A1 (for A = Rb and Cs) exhibit a Curie-like temperature
dependence in the frequency shift, in contrast to the temperature
independent Pauli shift expected for a normal metal. This temperature
dependence has been interpreted as an indication that the conduction electrons
are close to localization even above the structural transition.
It is the structure of the low
temperature magnetic phase that will be the main focus of the
results on A1 presented in this thesis.
Subsequent to the initial ESR measurements, neutron scattering experiments have been mounted by several groups but have shown no magnetic features[66]. The lack of magnetic neutron scattering indicates one or a combination of the following: i) the magnetic structure is highly disordered (such that even short-range magnetic correlations are not apparent in the neutron spectra), ii) the ordered are moments too small to resolve with neutrons (this is apparently the case for the SDW ordering in the TMTSF salts[23]), or iii) the ordering wavevector is in some unexpected direction. Progress in characterizing the nature of the magnetic state was made by NMR[64]. There are several key conclusions in this work:
More recently, Antiferromagnetic Resonance (AFMR) has been observed in Rb1 and Cs1[68]. From measurement of the field and temperature dependence of this resonance, it is concluded[68] that: The magnetic state is well-ordered and is consistent with a spin-flop antiferromagnetic state (which they conclude is probably a 3d ordering of 1d SDWs). Furthermore, magnetic fluctuations are observed in the broad range 35K - 50K.
At this point we note that there is an analogous transition to the spin-flop of a local moment antiferromagnet for the SDW state. This transition is known as the spin-flip transition and has been observed in Cr, for example[21]. The transition in this case is from a longitudinal to transverse SDW. It differs from the spin-flop transition though in the fact that the phase boundary in the H-T plane intersects the H=0 axis.
Discussion of the several reported measurements on the
magnetic A1 phase will be deferred to section 6.1 where they will
be included with the discussion of the results presented in this thesis.