In this section, we include a brief description of muonium (the bound
hydrogenic atom ) and its
T1 spin relaxation due to
collisions with free electrons. A comparison with analogous
nuclear spin relaxation is also made.
The hyperfine spin hamiltonian for
an isolated isotropic Mu is:
![]() |
In metals, the predominant mechanism for T1 relaxation of nuclear
magnetization is via interaction with the conduction electrons within
kT of the Fermi surface[93,94].
The interaction is usually modelled[94,95] by a
direct hyperfine contact hamiltonian:
For endohedral muonium in A3C60, we are in the
unusual situation of having a strongly bound paramagnetic muonium centre
in a metallic environment.
The interaction between a paramagnetic centre and the
conduction electrons is more complicated than (3.2)
because of the extra degrees of freedom of the bound electron.
Nevertheless, we can model the interaction
in a similar way: first, we neglect scattering into higher
orbital states because such processes require orbital
energies (10eV for vacuum muonium) which are not available
at low temperature; second, we can
neglect the direct muon-conduction electron coupling as mentioned above.
The spin-independent Coulomb interaction together with the
Pauli principle, can then be modeled by the simple
spin-exchange hamiltonian:
![]() |
The theory of such spin relaxation has been worked out in
several contexts using various methods[100].
For the case of isotropic Mu hyperfine coupling ,the behaviour of the LF (T1) muon spin-relaxation rate due
to spin-exchange is divided into two regimes by a crossover when the rate
of spin-exchange events (
) equals the
``2-4'' muonium hyperfine frequency (
), which at high
fields (
) is approximately the
electron Zeeman frequency. In the fast region (
the relaxation rate is approximately field independent, and in
the slow regime the relaxation rate is governed by:
As Chow discovered[101], the relaxation rate in the case where the muonium hyperfine interaction is anisotropic can be dramatically different. There is a peak in T1-1(B) at a field determined by the hyperfine parameters which is the result of the geometry of the effective local field at the muon. While this peak has only been observed in doped crystalline semiconductors, it is expected to survive, in perhaps a very broadened form, an orientational powder average. From the high symmetry of the site at the centre of the C60 cage, we expect Mu@C60 have an essentially isotropic hyperfine interaction, but a priori one might expect that Mu inside the cage could bond to a single carbon, forming a highly anisotropic endohedral radical. Calculations[167] suggest that such a state is not stable. In pure and insulating alkali-doped C60 phases[14,102], this conclusion is confirmed by observation of very narrow coherent spin precession lines from Mu@C60. In contrast, the anisotropic exohedral radical in pure C60 exhibits a much broader signal at low temperature (see Fig. 4.14). For nearly isotropic muonium with a large hyperfine interaction, the deviation from (3.4) will occur only at extremely high fields where the muon Zeeman interaction is comparable to the hyperfine interaction.
In analysis of the temperature dependence of the relaxation
rate, it is of interest to consider the degree of
inelasticity of the direct and spin-exchange scattering
processes. In the case of the direct interaction (3.2), the
nuclear spin and conduction electron spin flip-flop
(Fig. 3.11),
requiring an energy ;whereas, in the muonium spin-exchange reaction (3.3),
the electron Zeeman energies balance and the energy required is