In two separate measurements on the same sample of Na2Cs, we
observed very different behaviour.
In the initial run, we found no broadening of the TF precession signal
associated with Tc. We did, however, observe the expected
Mu@C60 T1 relaxation. The temperature dependence of this
relaxation rate remained Korringa like (Fig. 4.28a) down to
about 8K, below which it began to increase. To ensure that the
sample hadn't deteriorated, it was recharacterized by x-ray
diffraction after this run. In the subsequent run, we observed
Tc in TF (Fig. 4.20) and in LF (Fig. 4.29a).
Because of the low temperature of the structural phase transition
in this material[44] (299 K),
we suspected a quench-rate dependence, possibly due to frozen
orientational disorder. We attempted a fast-quench (sample at 300K for
20 minutes, then quenched to 200K in 5.5 m and to 5K in about 20 minutes),
and found that this cooling procedure did not affect the height of the
coherence peak, but it did reduce the low temperature
T1 rates at 2.7K in both 1T and 0.3T (stars in Fig.4.29).
However, with no evidence
at the time for ambient pressure polymerization, we did not attempt
a slow quench or anneal, and, only for the last three points,
did we record the cooling procedure in sufficient detail.
It now seems likely that, as in the case of Na2Rb,
there exists another stable ambient pressure low temperature
phase of Na2Cs, which may involve C60 polymerization.
According to our measurements (Fig.4.28) this phase is metallic,
non-superconductig and appears to exhibit a low temperature
(possibly magnetic) phase transition.
We note that attempts by another group has not produced
a polymerized phase in Na2Cs.[133]
The unusually small value of (T1T)-1 in Na2Cs
(discussed in section V) cannot
be explained by the coexistence of the superconducting (s-Na2Cs)
and non-superconducting (ns-Na2Cs) phases, as the
values of (T1T)-1 are indistinguishable except below
8K. However, as the fast-quench procedure suggests,
a small fraction of the non-superconducting
phase could explain the finite low temperature rate in
Fig. 4.29.
The field dependence of T1-1 in the ns-Na2Cs
was also indistinguishable from the superconductor at
35K (Fig. 4.15a), but at 3K, appeared to fall more
sharply with field. In addition there was a small peak in the
linewidth of the diamagnetic precession at
K in
ns-Na2Cs. The weak low T dependence
of the diamagnetic signal compared to the T1 of
Mu@C60 is consistent with the enhanced sensitivity
of Mu due to the bound electron moment.
One possible explanation for the feature in TF, is that
ns-Na2CsC60 is superconducting over a narrow range in temperature, and
is re-entrant at about 7K to a low temperature non-superconducting phase.
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Despite the complications due to the presence of some fraction of
ns-Na2CsC60 in the superconducting run, we can compare the
temperature dependence of T1 with the cubic Fmm
materials discussed above.
In order to account for an ns-Na2CsC60 fraction, we
model (T1T)-1 as the sum of the Hebel-Slichter integral (3.9)
with an additional T independent term.
Such fits are shown in Fig. 4.29.
The fast quench points indicate that for s-Na2Cs, the values of (Table 4.6) are not reliable.
The size of the coherence peak, relative to the normal state, though, is not
dramatically different than in the Fm
m materials. This
implies that orientational disorder is not likely to be the cause
of the broadening of the coherence peak (or gS).
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These results clearly indicate the need for further experiments< on Na2CsC60 with careful attention paid to the cooling procedure. The rapid quench points suggest that one should be able to make a much more reliable estimate of the paramaters of s-Na2Cs. It also seems likely that in order to study ns-Na2Cs, it will probably be necessary to investigate temperatures lower than those accessible by pumped liquid Helium cryostats.
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R0 [![]() |
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Rb3C60 | 587(47) | 0.217(70) | 1 | 1 |
K3C60 | 572(63) | 0.215(50) | 0.987(94) | 0.950(31) |
Na2CsC60 | 132(4) | 0.0000(2) | 0.474(25) | 0.506(20) |
Sample(B[T]) | ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Tc [K] | ![]() |
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![]() |
Rb3C60-1(1.0) | 0.076(1) | 0.4315(10) | 29.3(8) | 2.93(4) | 0.717 | 4200 | 1.37(5) |
Rb3C60-2(0.27) | 0.093(1) | 0.2068(10) | 28.9(2) | 3.36(8) | 0.343 | 6100 | 1.56(5) |
K3C60(1.0) | 0.087(1) | 0.2570(20) | 18.6(2) | 2.83(9) | 0.427 | 5400 | 1.39(6) |
Na2CsC60(0.01) | 0.133(1) | 0.0769(10) | 11.3(3) | 7.5(1.0) | 0.128 | 9900 | -- |
Data Set(Bapp [T]) | I | II | III | IV |
Rb3C60-1(1.5) | - | - | 3.8 | 4.6-4.8 |
Rb3C60-2(1.5) | - | - | 3.2 | 4.0-4.2 |
K3C60(2.0) | - | - | 3.6 | 4.4 |
Na2CsC60(1.0) | - | - | 3.8* | 4.0* |
Rb3C60-1(0.3) | 2.7 | 3.1 | 3.2-3.8 | 3.6-3.8 |
Rb3C60-2(0.3) | 2.4 | 2.7 | 2.8-3.2 | 3.0-3.2 |
K3C60(0.3) | 2.7 | 3.0 | 3.2-4.0 | 3.2-3.6 |
Na2CsC60(0.3) | 1.1 | 1.5 | - | 3.0-3.2* |