Next: 8 Nuclear moments Occuring
Up: 7 Conclusions
Previous: 7.1 AC
The first observation of Mu in a metallic system other than the A3C60
materials is reported here for the first time.
The structure of the Mu centre is different than the endohedral
centre in A3C60, with a smaller temperature independent
hyperfine parameter.
To clarify the details of the structure of Mu in this system,
more measurements are required.
A better understanding of the hyperfine structure may aid in explanation
of the T1 relaxation of Mu in this system, which is remarkably
slow compared to the A3C60 systems.
In the magnetic state of A1C60 (A = Rb, Cs), the static nature of the
internal fields has been confirmed. A rapidly damped oscillation in the ZF
spectra at the lowest temperatures in Cs1C60 is the first evidence from
that there is long-range order in the magnetic state.
It is, however, not possible from this data to make any conclusion as to
the form of the magnetic structure.
A phenomenological form was used to parametrize the magnetic relaxation.
The features apparent in the data are:
- 1.
- The two component nature of the relaxation at low temperature;
- 2.
- The amplitudes and relaxation rates of the two components change
with temperature;
- 3.
- In Rb1C60, the amplitudes haven't saturated by 2.5K in ZF,
but they seem to have in high TF as well as in ZF in Cs1C60;
- 4.
- The saturation of the low temperature amplitudes is to roughly
equal amplitudes for the fast and slow components;
- 5.
- The transition is quite broad and the temperature dependence is quite
This list of features of the relaxation
in the magnetic state may be due to microscopic inhomogeneity in the
magnetic state.
An alternative interpretation has been suggested to explain this behaviour:
the inhomogeneity may be a characteristic of a homogeneous magnetic state
in conjunction with the manner in which the muons sample the internal fields.
The similarity of the
relaxation and the
13C NMR spectrum in the magnetic state may be due to a similar sampling
of the field distribution.
Confirming the potential validity of such a model requires more sophisticated
modelling of the field distribution than that presented here.
The presence of a spin-flop transition in Rb1C60, may be related to
the change in the relative magnitudes of the fast and slow components
which occurs at fields less than 1T.
Next: 8 Nuclear moments Occuring
Up: 7 Conclusions
Previous: 7.1 AC