When all three alkali ions are at least as large as K+,
the structure of A3 is FCC
(space group Fmm). The alkali ions occupy the O and T
interstitial sites (see Fig. 1.2).
The details of the site may be more complicated as the observation of
three (instead of the expected two) 87Rb NMR lines[38] indicates.
The interstitial voids are large enough
to accomodate K+, Rb+ and Cs+ ions, but
the FCC structure becomes unstable when the alkali filling reaches
Cs3, which has the A15 structure and is only a superconductor
under pressure.
Similarly, a related compound with electrically neutral spacer
molecules in the interstices of the C60 lattice, NH3K3C60,
is orthorhombic, and becomes superconducting[39] (Tc = 28K)
under pressure (> 10kbar). These two materials show that cubic symmetry
is not required for superconductivity in the fullerides.
The C60 molecules in these materials are orientationally disordered:
specifically, they are merohedrally disordered, i.e. there are two distinct
orientation of the 3 orthogonal 2-fold axes of the C60 along the
cubic axes, and these orientations are equally populated.
The C60 molecules in these phases are not measureably distorted from the
isolated C60. The alkali ions act as spacers for the C60,
so the average FCC lattice constant increases with the average alkali
ionic radius.
NMR experiments find that the C60 molecules in K3 exhibit
rotational dynamics down to about 200K (see the review
[34] for a discussion).
The superconducting transition temperature in this class of A3 materials
is strongly correlated with the fcc lattice parameter. This can be
understood qualitatively in the rigid band picture, as a consequence of
the correlation of the conduction bandwidth with the intermolecular overlap
which depends strongly on the C60-C60 separation. If the lattice
is expanded (but not changed in symmetry), the bandwidth decreases, but the
total number of the states (determined by the number of unit cells in the
sample) does not, so the density of states per unit energy at the Fermi
Surface increases. Throughout this thesis,
the electronic density of states is denoted by g(E) with E measured
relative to EF, so the value at the Fermi surface is g(0).
The density of states is connected to the transition temperature, in
the BCS theory[42] via
These materials are all hard type II superconductors with the
magnetic penetration depth much larger than the
superconducting coherence length
. In table 1.1 these
parameters as well as the reduced superconducting energy gap
from a number of different techniques are tabulated
for the best studied representative of the Fm
m class
of A3 superconductors: K3 and Rb3. All experiments
indicate that the Ginzburg-Landau
is on the order of 100.
The values of the superconducting energy gap range widely from
weak-coupling (Eq. 1.3) to strong
, see below).
Parameter | K3C60 | Rb3C60 |
Tc [K] | 18.5-19.7 | 27.5-30 |
![]() |
2400-8900 | 2200-8500 |
![]() |
20-45 | 20-30 |
Bc1(0) [mT] | 1.2-13.2 | 1.3-16.2 |
Bc2(0) [!] | 17-50 | 40-78 |
![]() |
3.0-5.3 | 3.45-5.3 |
[K3 and Rb3 Superconducting Parameter Ranges]
Ranges for the reported values of the most important parameters of
The ranges are broad because they include values from a wide variety
of techniques on samples from different sources.
These ranges are considerably narrower when only a subclass of the
most ``reliable'' techniques on samples of the highest
quality are considered.
Detailed references can be found in the reviews:
The Fmm A3 materials also possess high low temperature residual
resistivity, and consequently small electronic mean free path, l. This
may be associated with molecular orientational disorder.
Ranges for normal state electronic parameters are given in table
1.2. The other parameters given are the
of the
, the carrier density n, the Fermi Velocity vF and
the parameter rs which is defined by
(see Chapter 1 of [20]).
Parameter | K3C60 | Rb3C60 |
n [cm-3] | 4.2 ![]() |
4.1 ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
0.12-2 | 0.23-0.8 |
l [Å] | 3-70 | 3-70 |
vF [cms-1] | 1.4 ![]() |
- |
EF [eV] | 0.05-2.0 | 0.05-2.0 |
g(0) [eV-1] | 11-16 | 19-24 |
rs [a0] | 7.2 | 7.3 |
[K3 and Rb3 Normal Metal Parameters]
Representative values and Ranges for the parameters of the normal metallic
state of K3 and Rb3. The electronic density of states is reported
per molecule per spin. a0 is the Bohr radius.
As mentioned above, the acoustic structure of these materials is
characteristic of a molecular solid. The broad frequency spectrum for the
various phonon modes is shown in Figure 1.5.
By measuring the phonon spectrum (via either Raman or neutron scattering)
as a function of alkali doping, it is found
that the high frequency intermolecular modes are rather strongly coupled
to the conduction electrons, with dimensionless coupling parameter
= 0.2-0.64 (for details, see [31]). In
addition it is found via inelastic neutron scattering, that the
libron mode hardens as the charge of the C60 increases and
that the electron-libron coupling is small
We now continue with a short description of the other class of A3 superconductors, those containing Na+.