The most important differences between the and
phases involve the librational motions of the N2 molecules.
Motional narrowing of the nuclear quadrupole coupling
by three orders of magnitude and disorder detected in
the x-ray structure indicated that molecules in the higher
phase do not have their orientations
fixed with respect to the lattice; they are disordered
by precession-like motion about the
with the molecular axes making an average angle of
to the
-axis. [22]
Raman scattering studies have been able to measure the absorption
lines corresponding to the high frequency
(2200-2500 cm-1) molecular stretch mode
and the lower frequency (<150 cm-1)
librational and lattice modes at temperatures from 3.6 K to above
the transition, under equilibrium vapour pressure.
As temperature is increased within the
phase, the
mean amplitude of librations away from the
preferred orientations grows.
This is apparent as a slight broadening of the
molecular stretch line with increasing T, which is
expected when the molecules are no longer in identical environments,
beginning at about T=25 K and continuing into the
The low frequency lines, which are sharp at low temperatures
in the phase, gradually become less distinct as the
temperature rises to T
, and become very broad features
above T
.This was interpreted as consistent with the build-up
of large amplitude, anharmonic librations in the
and a fully disordered, precessional motion in the
The disorder introduced by librations is of a short-ranged nature, but since these are soft modes, they are excited at relatively low temperatures - they fall among the acoustic phonons in the excitation spectrum of the lattice.