A great deal of the early work and a much smaller fraction
of current work in the field of deals with the question
of what determines the final chemical state of the muon when it stops
in a sample.
This has been an important part of the development of
as a tool,
and recent developments may have an impact on both the interpretation
data in general and potential
related technology
(such as ultra-slow muon beams) in the near future.
This chapter lays the groundwork by first discussing
models of muonium
formation and evidence from conventional experiments that lead
us to consider another mechanism - that electrons, stripped
from atoms of the sample along the track
of the muon, diffuse large distances through the sample to
form muonium by recombination with the (positively charged) muon.
Second, results from
experiments in which an electric field
was applied to the sample are presented.
These experiments unambiguously demonstrate that, at least
in some cryocrystals, muonium formation depends on
the electron transport properties of the sample.
It is quite likely that this is at least part of
the answer to a long-standing puzzle
regarding the differentiation of muons into diamagnetic and muonium
fractions in so many (electrically) insulating materials -
solids, liquids and gases.
This chapter is not an exhaustive discussion of electric-field (EF-
). It is intended only to re-examine muonium formation
in light of new results from cryocrystals, introduce the
technique of using an electric field in
, and to show that
the amount of muonium formed depends on the ability of radiolysis
electrons, initially released by the muon much further from its final
than previously
thought, to reach the stopped muon.
Cryocrystals and cryoliquids have been instrumental
in the discovery of this technique, so it is fitting that
this be included in a thesis primarily concerned with muonium
diffusion in cryocrystals.