Muonium is a light hydrogen-like neutral atom composed of
an electron bound to a positive muon (Mu = e),
commonly produced when muons are implanted
in non-metals including gases, liquids and solids
ranging from semiconductors to fullerenes.
One of the oldest unanswered questions in the field
is ``How is muonium formed when a muon stops
in one of these materials?''
The literature on this subject records a number of experiments
devoted to answering this and the related question, ``What
properties of the sample influence muonium formation?''
Until recently only reasoned guesses based on indirect evidence
have been possible.
Following the first observation of muonium in highly purified
water by [7] the diamagnetic fraction
-substituted molecules) was
measured in the presence of electron scavengers [8].
The increase in diamagnetic fraction with the concentration
of NO3- ions was
attributed to an increased probability of thermal, unsolvated
muons becoming hydrated and subsequently forming MuOH by
fast proton transfer, instead of capturing an electron to form
One model proposed to explained this behavior
pictured the muon losing kinetic energy near the end of the track
by the creation of free electrons, ions and radicals in a
radiation spur [8,9].
The thermal muon in the vicinity of the terminal spur could then
form muonium by simply capturing a free electron from among
the spur products.
This model was borrowed from the analogous theory of
positronium formation when positrons are injected into
condensed media [10].
Another model of muonium formation
proposed that the eventual distribution of muons among various
states is determined by processes that occur while the is still losing its initial kinetic energy
At high velocity (as from a surface muon beam) the muon should
behave like any fast charged particle and undergo energy loss
by Bethe-Bloch ionization of the medium; no significant
amount of muonium should form until the kinetic energy has
dropped to several tens of keV, where
the muon velocity becomes comparable to the orbital velocity of
electrons of the medium.
Then charge exchange collisions become important
as the muon undergoes a rapid series of several hundred electron pickup and
stripping cycles, shedding energy each time
atoms of the medium or the muonium is ionized.
At an energy of order 100 eV charge exchange is no longer
dominant and the fraction of muonium at these energies is expected to be
influenced by the relative electron affinities of the muon and
atoms of the sample.
In materials with ionization potentials smaller than that
of muonium (13.5 eV) most muons are expected to emerge from
this stage as hot muonium atoms.
Further thermalization of both muons and muonium atoms will continue by
elastic and inelastic collisions with neutral atoms and hot atom reactions
which may, depending on the stopping medium, produce
-substituted molecules and/or molecular ions.
The final distribution of muon charge states will
be determined by the reactions that
and Mu
undergo in the last few steps.
In low pressure rare gases there is a strong correlation
between muonium formation and ionization potential of the gas,
which seems to support this model.
The principal distinction between these two models lies chiefly in when and at what energy muonium is formed. ``Hot'' muonium formation is a ``prompt'' process, occurring during a time when the muon is rapidly losing energy, within a few tens of ps after entering a condensed sample. Muonium formation after the muon has come to thermal equilibrium with its surroundings requires time for electrons to diffuse to the muon, and is therefore termed ``delayed'' muonium formation.