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Up: G.D. Morris' Ph.D. Thesis
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- Muon decay asymmtery
, energy spectrum
and the product
ploted against the reduced positron energy
. - A polar-coordinate plot of the rate of positron emission
from muon decay as a function of angle from the muon spin
at various energies
The distribution has axial symmetry about the
muon spin polarization direction, which points toward the right in this
- A view of the M20 secondary channel and experimental area
of the TRIUMF
laboratory, configured with a conventional
spectrometer capable of transverse and longitudinal
field measurements. (G.D.Morris)
- Schematic diagram showing an arrangment of a
sample and five scintillation particle detectors.
Each muon triggers the thin muon (TM) detector on entering the experiment.
Later, the decay positron triggers one of the positron detectors.
- Schematic logic diagram of the basic fast front-end electronics
and signal timing for time-differential
Two decay positron detectors are shown; more may be added as
required by the detector geometry.
- (a) A histogram from the ``Back" positron detector of a
time-differential experiment on a sample
of liquid Ne.
(b) The asymmetry
extracted from the same histogram
according to Eq. (2.8).
The oscillations are due to the Larmor precession of the muons'
magnetic moments in an externally applied transverse magnetic
field of 51.5 G.
- The corrected asymmetry obtained from the Back-Front
histogram pair using Eq. (2.13).
Error bars shown and all parameter errors obtained in fitting
are derived from counting statistics.
- The interior parts of the coldfinger cryostat used
experiments on solidified gases. The samples were
condensed from the gas phase and frozen solid in the cell
visible at the tip of the cold finger.
Sample gas was allowed into the cell through the thin
stainless tube, which was equiped with a heater to prevent
blockages. (G.D. Morris)
- The sample cell used to condense gases to solids
(approximately twice actual size), showing the attachment point
to the cold finger and heater on the top of the cell.
The flow of heat from top to bottom created a temperature
difference of about 1 K down the cell walls.
This is necessary to grow void-free crystals by
ensuring that the sample freezes from the bottom up.
The sample could be seen through the tranparent mylar
windows enclosing the front and back faces of the cell. (G.D. Morris)
- A sample of Ne being condensed and frozen;
(a) The cell partially full of liquid Ne. (b) The cell full of Ne, some
of which has solidified around the edges of the cell. (G.D. Morris)
- Muonium and slowly relaxing diamagnetic
asymmetries measured in solid nitrogen.
- Electron mobility in solid nitrogen measured by
Loveland et al.
using a direct time-of-flight method. Various symbols indicate different
- Slowly relaxing diamagnetic asymmetry
and muonium asymmetry
(boxes and circles
respectively) measured in a sample of solid nitrogen at T=20 K
with an external electric field applied either along (E>0) or
opposite (E<0) to the incoming muon beam direction.
- Total muonium asymmetry measured in liquid nitrogen (T=75 K)
at long times where delayed muonium formation
has ceased. The solid line represents a fit to theory,
yielding a characterictic muonium formation time of 0.014(4)
- Phonon density of states in KCl
- Dashed line:
calculated in the case where
is the real phonon density of states of KCl. Solid line: the same calculation
performed assuming a Debye model.
- Temperature dependence of the exponent
calculated for KCl with the real phonon spectrum (dashed line)
and Debye-like phonon density of states (solid line).
- Asymmetries measured in solid N2 at various temperatures in weak longitudinal magnetic
fields of (from bottom to top in each plot) 4, 8 and 12 G.
- Muon spin polarization asymmetries measured in a transverse
magnetic field of 5.2 G at temperatures of, from top to bottom,
T=3.45, 19 and 54 K in a sample of solid, pure N2.
- Theoretical muonium spin relaxation functions
in transverse field, showing the change from Gaussian to exponential
form and reduction in the relaxation rate due to motional narrowing.
For all curves
. - Muonium spin polarization relaxation rates measured
in solid nitrogen. Stars (12G), boxes (8G) and crosses (4G)
indicate the LF data and all other points are in
5G for different samples.
- Muonium hop rate
in solid N2 obtained from the
spin relaxation rates 1/T1 and 1/T2 measured in LF and TF
respectively. Stars indicate the results from LF data; all other
points are from TF data. The power-law fit is shown by the solid
line; the nearly parallel T7 theoretical dependence is shown by the
dashed line, offset for clarity.
- Phonon density of states
of solid nitrogen
at 22 K, data from Ref.[57].
for solid nitrogen, calculated from
both the real (dashed line) and Debye model (solid line)
phonon density of states
. - Muonium spin relaxation rates 1/T2 in slowly cooled,
solid high-purity N2(circles), N2with 0.01% CO
(boxes) and N2with 0.1% CO (triangles).
- Phonon density of states in Xe
- Mu spin relaxation in Xe
- Mu hop rate in Xe
- Example of integral
- Arrhenius law in Xe
- Potential energy map
- Breit-Rabi diagram