The nickel borocarbides form a recently discovered class of compounds
exhibiting unusual superconducting and magnetic characteristics. Their
constituents combine in the ratio RNi2B2C, where R stands for a
rare earth element or yttrium (Y), giving rise to the lattice shown in
Figure 3.1.
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Superconducting members of the nickel borocarbide family manifest
relatively high critical temperatures Tc and mysterious
field driven vortex lattice symmetry transitions. The substances are
clean type II superconductors [29] with high Ginzburg-Landau
[30] and
intermediately strong electron phonon interaction [27]. As the
external magnetic field varies the vortex lattice geometry evolves from
hexagonal to square, a phenomenon attributed to the squarish flux line
cross section [31]. Under this transformation TmNi2B2C
exhibits simultaneous transitions in magnetic
order [30].
Magnetic nickel borocarbide superconductors become antiferromagnetically
ordered below a Néel temperature TN comparable to their
critical temperature Tc, and have the highest Néel temperatures
TN of any superconductor [32]. ErNi2B2C
displays weak
ferromagnetism as well when cooled below
The wave vector for maximum generalised electronic
susceptibility in LuNi2B2C also characterises the
incommensurate magnetic structures in superconducting ErNi2B2C
and HoNi2B2C, and in the nonsuperconductors TbNi2B2C
and GdNi2B2C [33] [34]. A phonon mode
near this wave vector softens greatly on cooling, and is comparable
to the superconducting gap in energy. These observations have triggered
speculation that phonon softening and magnetic ordering stem
from a common Fermi surface nesting and compete to decrease the
system energy. Investigation of the superconductivity of this
material family, without the complications introduced by magnetism,
is possible with the nonmagnetic members YNi2B2C and LuNi2B2C.