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Previous: Simultaneous for Whom?
A "light clock" is constructed aboard a glass spaceship
(reference frame O') as follows: the "tick" of the clock
is defined by one half the time interval t' required
for the light from a strobe light to traverse the width of the ship
(a height h), bounce off a mirror and come back,
a total distance of 2h. In the reference frame of
a ground-based observer O (with respect to whom the ship
is travelling at a velocity u), the light is emitted a
distance 2ut behind the place where it is detected a time
2t later. Since the light has further to go in the
O frame (a distance
but it travels at c in both frames,
t must be longer than t'.
This effect is known as TIME DILATION.
Fig. 23.3 pictures a device used by R.P. Feynman,
among others, to illustrate the phenomenon of TIME DILATION:
a clock aboard a fast-moving vessel (even a normal clock)
to run slower when observed from the "rest frame"
-- the name we give to the reference frame arbitrarily chosen to
be at rest. Now, if we choose to regard the ship's frame as
"at rest" (as is the wont of those aboard) and the Earth as
"moving," a clock on Earth will appear to be running slowly
when observed from the ship! Who is right?
The correct answer is "both," in utter disregard for common sense.
This seems to create a logical paradox, which we will discuss
momentarily. But first let's go beyond the qualitative statement,
"The clock runs slower," and ask how much slower.
For this we need only a little algebra and geometry;
nevertheless, the derivation is perilous, so watch carefully.
For O', the time interval described in Fig. 23.3
is simply
whereas for O the time interval is given by
by the Pythagorean theorem. Expanding the latter equation gives
which is not a solution yet because it does not relate
t to t'. We need to "plug in"
h2 = c2 t'2
from earlier, to get
where we have recalled the definition
In one last step we obtain
is defined as before:
This derivation is a little crude, but it shows where
comes from.
Next: The Twin Paradox
Up: The Special Theory of Relativity
Previous: Simultaneous for Whom?
Jess H. Brewer -
Last modified: Mon Nov 23 10:57:18 PST 2015