In this appendix, we discuss the influence of resonant scattering in
the modelling of the muon catalyzed fusion processes.
As we have seen elsewhere in this thesis,
resonant formation of
molecular ions
in a loosely bound state of J=v=1
occurs via formation of a metastable muonic molecular
(denoted MMC hereafter)
in a collision of
on a molecule DX,
In conventional analyses of CF, the effective formation rate
a renormalized rate taking into account the back decay probability,
has been widely used, and is defined (when ignoring the indices for the
quantum numbers) as:
(126) |
(127) |
With the recent recognition of the importance of transport properties of
muonic atoms, theoretical cross sections for muonic atom scattering have
been calculated to high accuracy with sophisticated methods. Despite the
vast theoretical efforts in pushing the accuracy of various scattering
cross sections, including electronic screening, atomic and molecular
structure, and most recently solid state effects, little detailed attention
has been paid to the back decay process as a scattering mechanism of muonic
atoms, except in the context of spin flip in the
system [34].
In early work, resonant scattering processes were neglected or
treated incorrectly.
For example, in the pioneering studies of
Markushin [75,27,9,82], who first performed the
full three-dimensional Monte Carlo calculations of muonic processes,
renormalized effective formation rates were used to account for the back
decay processes.
On the other hand, in the theoretical analysis of the CF kinetics in
D/T mixture [238], Somov claimed that
emitted after back
decay of the muonic molecular complex has a thermal distribution with a
temperature of the surrounding medium. Jeitler et al. followed this
in their Monte Carlo analysis of D/T and H/D/T
mixtures [74,22]. They claim that this is justified when one
assumes complete thermalization (of the translational motion) and the
rotational relaxation of the MMC [74].
The purpose of this appendix is to point out the importance of the resonant
scattering process resulting via backdecay of the molecular complex,
particularly in the atomic beam type of experiments, as performed in this
thesis. We will show first that the use of renormalized effective rates as
was done in Refs. [75,27,9,82] significantly
overestimates the calculated fusion yield, and second that thermalized
emission after back decay is not justified even if one assumes the
complete MMC thermalization.