with A Muonic Tritium Beam
A.Eng. - Kobe City College of Technology - 1990
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.Eng. - Yamanashi University - 1992
M.A.Sc. - The University of British Columbia - 1994
Doctor of Philosophy (herewith) -
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
The University of British Columbia - April 1999
In this thesis, we establish a new approach in muon catalyzed fusion studies, the time-of-flight method with an atomic beam of muonic tritium, and report results for muonic tritium scattering and epithermal dµt resonant formation, providing the first quantitatve measurements on these reactions.
Emission of muonic tritium from a solid hydrogen thin film into vacuum was
observed via imaging of muon decay electrons, and the measurement of the
position and the time of muon decay provided spectroscopic evidence for
the Ramsauer-Townsend effect in the µt + p
interaction. The RT minimum
energy was determined to be
eV, in fair agreement with
quantum three body calculations.
Using this µt beam, we have confirmed theoretical µt + d scattering cross sections to an accuracy of 10% by measuring the attenuation of µt through a deuterium layer. The importance of p-wave scattering in the µt + d interaction, as suggested by the theory, was also confirmed by our data via comparisons with Monte Carlo calculations assuming different scattering angular distributions.
The existence of a predicted resonance for dµt
formation in µt + D2
collisions was directly confirmed for the first time.
Our results correspond to a peak resonance rate of
s-1 in Faifman's model, more than an order of magnitude larger
than the room temperature rates, and indicate a resonance energy of
eV for the F=1 resonance peak in ortho deuterium.
Assuming the theoretical [(dµt)dee] energy spectrum, these results imply sensitivity to the binding energy of the loosely bound state of the dµt molecule, with an accuracy approaching the magnitude of the relativistic and QED effects.