The data acquisition system was ``triggered'' to read in the data, when appropriate conditions were met. This decision making was done in a hardware logic circuit illustrated in Fig. 3.19. Our basic strategy for triggering can be summarized as:
The timing diagram is given in Fig. 3.20.
A muon, defined by a sufficient energy deposit in T1,
opened a pile up gate (PUG), which supplied a BUSY signal for 10 s.
The BUSY gate,
together with the general inhibit signal (INH) due to computer
, was used to ensure (2.)
above. Only when no muon had arrived in the preivous 10
s, and the
computer was ready, was the coincidence
satisfied, opening the event gate (EVG) as well as giving a
common start to TDCs. The EVG was sent to all the detector signal
processing logic allowing them to accept events.
If any of n sub-detection systems described below gave a trigger DETnduring EVG, a trigger gate TRGn was opened, which was subsequently closed with the end of event gate pulse (EEVG). The master event trigger EVTR was provided as a coincidence of TRG and EEVG, requesting the Starburst to collect the ADC and TDC values. On the other hand, when there was no detector giving a trigger, EVCL was given from , clearing the ADCs and TDCs so that they could accept new values in the following event.
Once the master trigger was given, the Starburst provided a computer busy
signal (CINH) in a CAMAC output register while processing the signal
ms). However, since it took a few hundred microseconds for
CINH to turn on, an inhibit had to be provided by hardware (HINH) to
prevent a pile up during this time. Furthermore, an extended inhibit
(IEX) was provided while clearing the ADCs and TDCs, whose duration was
determined empirically by monitoring the number of lost
If more than one muon arrived during the gating period, the time
correlation between the muon stop and the detected reaction would be lost,
hence the event had to be discarded. The rejection of pile up events,
which amounted to about 5% of total events at our typical beam rate of
5000 s-1, was achieved in software using a pile-up bit pattern given
by the PUG module. Also in the case of pile up, the module extended its
BUSY signal for 10 s from the time of the second muon entrance,
which in turn delayed the-end-of-busy pulse (EB) (see dotted lines in the
An important scaler GMU (good muons) was derived as a coincidence between
EB and EEVG (end of event gate). Since EEVG always occurred 10 s
after EVG was turned on, regardless of whether another muon came in or
not, the coincidence was satisfied only if there was no pile up. Recalling that
takes into account the
computer dead time, GMU provided the number of incident muons which
satisfied all the trigger conditions except detector triggering, hence is to
be used for absolute normalization.
Various scalers including GMU were recorded for normalization and system
diagnosis purposes. Their values were read into the Starburst typically
every 5 s, independent of the muon trigger. Occasionally, some of the
scalers were lost due to module malfunction, but there was enough
redundancy to recover important scalers. For example, an alternative way of
deriving the number of ``good'' incident muons is:
A further diagnosis and normalization tool was provided by a trigger called 1/N, which was activated every 1024 hits in T1 scintillator, regardless of its deposited energy (i.e., including beam electron hits), and independent of the sub-detector triggers. The latter feature of this trigger allowed yet another way of checking the GMU scaler.