- ... mixture
- When
referring to a
a mixture of hydrogen isotopes, a notation X/Y is used in this thesis,
where X, Y are protium (1H), deuterium or tritium. It is usually
assumed that the mixture has an equilibrium molecular composition, i.e. ,
X2:XY:Y2= cX2:2cXcY:cY2, where cX and
cY denote the relative atomic concentrations.
- ...
- To
be precise, this should be called a muonic molecular ion, but we
shall simply denote it as a muonic molecule according to the convention
in the field.
- ...tex2html_comment_mark
- Recall that for the principle quantum number n, the orbital
radius rn, the energy En and the orbital velocity vn are:
is the reduced mass
of the muon and the nucleus with the charge Z.
- ... electron
- Note
that the corresponding velocity of the electron differs from that of
the muon by the factor
- ...
- This is expected from a naive argument that the muonic atom
higher n is much more extended in size, hence has larger cross
sections, but the bigger effect presumably is the long range
behavior of the potential for the excited states.
- ... effect
- A qualitative remark
of the possibility of epithermal
formation was given earlier by Rafelski [73].
- ... D/T
- Markushin et al. also performed a Monte Carlo analysis of the triple mixture
H/D/T [75,27]
- ... scattering
- This is due in part to the existence of a virtual
(nearly bound) state near
- ... century
- It is said that there were over 800
papers published on the subject between 1750 and
1920s [86].
- ... resources
- See recent
calculations of muonic and other three-body systems,
- ...
- Taking out the factor 1/R from the
definition of
is a standard procedure which simplifies the form
of the operator.
- ...
- Integration comes from the operator Uij.
- ...
- These should be compared to, for example, the
-d threshold which is
keV higher.
- ... involved
- We note that an alternative term Hyperradius
approach has been suggested by Alexander Matveenko as a more general
- ...

- There are recent studies on the [(
)dee] energy level splitting (of a few meV level) due to the
interactions with the host molecular complex including the quadrupole
finite-size corrections [135,136,137]. This would greatly
increase the number of levels in the final state spectra (hence further
complicating the notation!), but it is neglected here. Due to the Doppler
effect the resonance profiles in the
lab frame are already broad
(see the discussion later in this section), so presumably these splittings
would not have much effect in our measurement of epithermal molecular
formation, though more care may be necessary at low energy.
- ... footnote
- This possibility
of what I call the ``resonant excitation'' of a D2 molecule
is not apparent in the papers of Faifman et
al. [133,134,71]. In fact, we point out that for kinematic
reasons, this occurs only for
for most Kf (for all
Kf, if the Kf distribution is relaxed to low temperature
- ...
- Padial, Cohen and Walker promised to extend their
calculations to vibrational transitions [154], and we await their
results eagerly.
- ... have
- We sometimes refer to these rates
as the total formation rates, as opposed to the effective
rates described below.
- ...tex2html_comment_mark
- In Ref. [134,71], the dependence on S in the
fusion probabilities
(Eq. 2.38) and
(Eq. 2.41) is not explicitly indicated,
but they do indeed depend on S.
- ...
- Note that their conclusion contradicts at least partly
Adamczak's slow thermalization model [167], so they cannot both
be right.
- ... MHz
- It
is, however, possible to change this structure. For a measurement of pion
lifetime, for example, the beam cycle was reduced by a factor of
five [172].
- ...
- When MWPCs were used, INH was also activated by a high
voltage supply failure WCINH.
- ...
- This was
derived from comparing the number of triggers going into the Starburst
(EVTR), and the number it actually accepted (STAR, a scaler counting
Starburs events).
- ... signal
- For the
purpose here, this can be any signal uncorrelated to the muon trigger.
- ... detector
- Canberra, model FD/S-600-29-150-RM
- ... detectors
- Canberra,
model FD/CY-2000-37-300-RM
- ... target
- ... target
- <
- ... target
Deviations of the capture ratio from the concentration ratio were
reported for pionic hydrogen and deuterium (for a review,
see [207]), but this does not affect our simulations,
because of very small tritium
concentrations used in the measurements.
- ... factor
- See Section 6.4 for the
description of the Huff factor.
- ... Markushin
- Now at Paul Scherrer
Institute, Switzerland.
- ...g
- The subscript g is given here to
stress it is the width only of the Gaussian part of the beam, as opposed
to that of the entire beam.
- ...ground
- The validity of assuming a constant
background will be discussed later.
- ... hydrogen
- A fit with M=3 was also
performed to investigate a possible existence of the copper component in
the time spectrum, with two of the three lifetimes fixed to those of Au and
Cu from Ref. [215], but this did not affect the derived
hydrogen stopping fraction. Fixing of two lifetimes was necessary to avoid
a fitting problem due to a strong correlation between them.
- ... results
- The time scales for the RF cycle
and the gold signal are rather similar, but the background amplitude is
several orders of magnitude smaller, so the effect should be
- ... mode
- In this mode, the detector can accept only one event
per incident muon, as opposed to the multi hit mode in which multiple
events per incident muon can be recorded.
- ...%
- One could conceive the background to have a form
is the detection efficiency and
the signal lifetime, if the background is an accidental one. In
derived from the above, is close to the
combined efficiency for the 1st electron obtained in
Table 6.17 in
- ...
- The frame for the foil is rather thick, so the foils
could be bent such that the view from the side is blocked by the foil
frame. We have observed evidence for such effects in the November 1993
runs with the MWPC imaging system.
- ... electrons
- Recall that any
event, including the delayed electron event, can be collected only when the
Event Gate is open. Thus, if for example, a Si event occurred at 9
there is only about a 1
s window for the delayed electrons to be
detected to fulfill the Del cut, as opposed to the nominal Del window
(t2 - t1) of
s. The Del time efficiency is constant as
long as
where TEV is the event
gate width.
- ...
- Recall that 1 ch
1 keV.
- ... 1671-83
- Target ID =
- ... 1709-30
- Target
ID = II-13, II-14
- ...
- For Run D below, the standard emission target without
overlayer (target ID=II-7) was used.
- ... ambiguity
- In addition to lack of independent
energy calibration, we note that the simulation does not explicitly
include the resolution
of the detector, though the simulated physics processes in the detector
partly account for it.
- ... target
- Target ID
I-8 in Table 4.2 in page
- ... frames
- Recall that muons
bound in the atomic states of heavy elements disappear quickly (within a
few 100 ns) due to a high rate of nuclear muon capture via the
semi-leptonic weak interaction.
- ... target
- Target ID
I-8 in Table 4.2 in page
- ... frames
- Recall that muons
bound in the atomic states of heavy elements disappear quickly (within a
few 100 ns) due to a high rate of nuclear muon capture via the
semi-leptonic weak interaction.
- ...
- See Section 6.1 for the
notation of beam parameters.
- ... target
- Target ID = I-1 in
Table 4.2 in page
- ...
- Target ID = I-8.
- ...
- Recall that
where t is the time of flight over the drift distance l.
- ...%
- Target ID = I-7.
- ... tritium
- The specific
activity of tritium is 2.58 Ci/cm3 at STP, hence 1 T
to about 3.4 Ci.
- ... tritium
- The specific
activity of tritium is 2.58 Ci/cm3 at STP, hence 1 T
to about 3.4 Ci.
- ... tritium
- The specific
activity of tritium is 2.58 Ci/cm3 at STP, hence 1 T
to about 3.4 Ci.
- ... gate
- Here I am referring to the master gate for the ADC;
the use of a gate for individual channels was redundant in our case.
- ... discrimination
- LLD was
specified by a CAMAC command, and set a threshold, below which energy only
zero was recorded in the ADC. This could save read out time.
- ... IV)
- For our purpose, an event where the
silicon detector was triggered due to noise on the logic signal line can be
included in [b].
- ... detectors
- This background is removed in
future runs by placing a thin Cu foil to shield the Si from the beam.
- ... measurements
- The
notation MOD is given because of its sensitivity to the
process in the US D2 layer
- ... distribution
- Flat-top Gaussian
mm was assumed for
the fusion radial profile in these simulations
- ... negligible
- This
approximation introduces an error of no more than 0.5% in the final
- ... other
- In a
very crude statistical estimate, 6 cases out of 16 data point have the
deviation between two energy cuts which is larger than the uncorrelated
error (i.e., without normalization errors). This is perfectly
consistent with statistical fluctuation.
- ...
- The detection of
using the fusion signal is
to be constant in this model. This is not precisely correct due to the
energy dependence of the molecular formation rates. In addition, the
effect of muon decay is obviously not included in the model.
The fraction of the
reaching DS before muon decay changes if
the energy of the transmitted
- ...
- The former was estimated by doing similar
minimization with fits from varied MC geometry, but with much reduced
number of fit points, while the latter was estimated by observing the
shift in mean time-of-flight with one fixed SE.
- ... processes
- The energy scaling method in Ref. [234]
is slightly different from ours described here, but this difference alone
would not resolve the apparent discrepancy between the two results.
- ...
- Assuming the Doppler width given by Faifman.
- ...
- See discussion of the factorization
approximation in the appendix B.
- ... frame
- This may be possible, for example, in the case
of molecular formation in a solid at energies low compared to its Debye
temperature, where recoilless processes analogous to the Mossbauer effect
may dominate.
- ...
- Scrinzi et al. give an example of such rate
equations in Ref. [12], though for different purposes.
- ...
Note that resonant deexcitation (e.g.,
is possible for high temperature targets, but is negligible at low
- ... elements
- I am using the language of
the perturbation theory here with some reservation, recognizing the
controversy in the formulation of the MMC formation and back decay
- ... arrangement
- Emission target
with ct=0.1% with a 14 T
D2 moderation layer in the US, and 3
D2 in the DS.
- ... emission
- Here we are approximating these loss processes as an
exponential function with a simple ``effective'' rate.
The real situation could be more complex.
- ... emission
- Here we are approximating these loss processes as an
exponential function with a simple ``effective'' rate.
The real situation could be more complex.
- ... lifetime
- In this thesis, histograms were collected
with a 10 ns bin size, which gives
for k= gold (
ns), clearly requiring the integrated
function Eq. C.7 for accurate fits.
- ...bkgd
- In a single-hit detection mode (as opposed to
a multi-hit mode), the detection efficiency is time dependent, hence the
recorded histogram will have a slope even though the accidental
background was constant in time.