With these Monte Carlo parameters fixed, we can now compare the time of
flight spectrum of the emitted muonic tritium with Monte Carlo simulations
to test theoretical cross sections based on few-body theory. We shall focus
on the measurement of the position of the Ramsauer-Townsend minimum ER,
since this is important both as a source of the
beam and as a test
of the quantum three-body calculations.
The Nuclear Atlas cross sections [16,17] for the muonic
processes were used as a nominal input to the Monte Carlo. Molecular and
condensed matter effects [167,170,216] are expected to
play negligible roles in the transport properties of muonic atoms at the
energies above a few eV. Iterative calculations were performed by
multiplying the energy scale of the
elastic scattering cross
section by a constant factor
thus shifting the RT minimum as
The resulting simulated time spectrum is fitted
to the experimental data with one free parameter (relative normalization),
was calculated for each value of
For both the
data and the MC, a longitudinal spatial cut of
z=[-10,10] mm was applied
to select the vacuum region.
Figure 7.4 shows an example of such a fit (top) and its
residuals (bottom). Plotted with error bars is the
time spectrum
from the standard emission target
H2 with 0.1% T2 ) from which a background
of pure 1000 T
H2, normalized
to GMU, was subtracted, while the histogram shows a simulated time spectrum
assuming the energy scaling factor of
which turned out to
give the best
DOF of 1.06 for fit interval t=[0,6]
(region A) with DOF =59. Plotted in the bottom of Fig. 7.4 is
the fit residual, i.e. the difference between the Monte Carlo and the
data, normalized to one standard deviation.
Illustrated in Fig. 7.5 is the global trend of total
versus the energy scaling factor
Fig. 7.6 shows the details near the minimum. The horizontal
axis is plotted against the inverse of square root of
to reflect
our sensitivity to the time of flight, rather than the
Dependences of the various parameters were investigated in detail for the potential systematic effects. Figs. 7.5 and 7.6 show some examples of such investigations including:
For the nominal values of parameters, we obtained the best fit with
in the figures). The value of shifted between
1.05 to 1.15 depending on the parameters (see Fig 7.6).
In addition, we estimate that the uncertainty in the drift distance scale
can give rise to a shift in
of order .
With the two
major systematic errors (due to the parameters (1)-(5) and the distance
scale) added in quadrature, and the statistical errors much smaller, as can
be observed in Fig. 7.6, our measurement indicates a scaling
factor of
i.e., the Ramsauer-Townsend minimum
energy of
eV (c.f. the theortecial minimum,
ERth = 12.4 eV). The results of a similar analysis for a measurement
using an emission target with a tritium concentration of
were consistent with
In conclusion, we have reported in this chapter, (1) the first observation
in vacuum, (2) the first quantitative spectroscopic evidence of
the Ramsauer-Townsend effect in an exotic system, confirming the theoretical RT minimum energy in the
scattering at the 10%
level, an accuracy sufficent for our goal of molecular formation rate