In order to make a comparison with data, some parameters in the SMC code need to be determined, including (a) muon beam distribution, and (b) wire chamber position resolution. This was achieved using a pure H2 layer. We have already discussed (a) in the context of determining the effective thicknesses (Section 6.1), where the beam distribution was determined from the MWPC image of the target region in the Ydirection. For the present analysis, a flat-top Gaussian beam distribution with a flat top radius Rflat of 10 mm and Gaussian FWHMg of 10 mm (noted 1010 mm) was used.
Because the target is extended in the Y direction, the Y image is
rather insensitive to the wire chamber resolution parameter
We therefore used the Z image to determine
and assumed that
had a comparable value. Note
that we need not know
too precisely because the Ydistribution is already broad and the Y image is not affected much by the
choice of
We have performed iterative fits of the Monte Carlo calculations to the
data to find the best value for
(Fig. 7.3). Plotted with error bars in Fig. 7.3 (a)
is a Z image of MWPC system for a pure H2 target
from which one expects no muonic atom emission except at very low
energies [216]. A time cut of
s (t0being muon entrance time) is applied to eliminate the background from muon
stopping in heavy elements in the target frames
. The data was fitted in the interval shown
in the figure with a Monte Carlo assuming
mm with a
beam parameter of
mm (histogram). The normalization factor
being the only free parameter, the fit gave
DOF of 1.62 (10.3%
confidence level).
Figure 7.3 (b) shows the result of an iterative
fit, varying
for two different beam
parameters. Thus we conclude that the best value for the
MWPC resolution parameters is
mm with only a small dependence
of the beam parameters.