Because of the non-uniformity of the target observed in
Section 3.3, the average layer thickness depends on the
width and profile of the beam which stops in the target. Also recall that
we have measured only the profile in the Y (vertical) dimension, hence
the horizontal profile has to be assumed. The effective thickness can be
defined via
(81) |
(82) |
Figure 6.1 illustrates the dependence of
the effective thickness on the beam parameters. The average was calculated
assuming rotational symmetry of the thickness profile, and weighted with two
different beam parameterizations (i) Gaussian beam, and (ii)
a flat top Gaussian, for which the radial intensity at the
distance r, f(r) is defined by:
The figure also shows the dependence on the radial cut-off values which
reflect the physical limit of the beam radius. For the upstream layer, the
cut-off value can be considered to be 32.5 mm which is the radius of the
thin gold target support frame (beyond this radius the muon would have to
go through more than a millimeter of copper). As for the downstream layer,
which is directly facing the upstream layer, there is no collimation of the
beam due to the target support frame, hence an R cut-off of 35 mm
in the X direction (from the external rectangular size of the gold plated
copper frame) and slightly larger in the Y dimension can be expected. As
can be seen from Fig. 6.1, the average thickness depends
on beam profile, especially if the beam width is large.
Since the knowledge of the thickness is very important, all the available
information needs to be combined to determine the effective thickness. We
attempted this in the following manner: (1) first parameterize the muon
beam distribution (in the XY plane) from the image of decay electrons
obtained by the MWPC system, (2) then use that as an input to the Monte
Carlo simulation to calculate the distribution of the
beam reaching
the downstream layer, and (3) finally take a weighted average for each of
the upstream and downstream layers, using the assumed beam profiles. Note
that depending on the thickness of the upstream moderator, the
profile at the downstream layer, hence the effective thickness, could be
The knowledge of the beam profile is also necessary for the determination of the silicon detector acceptance, which is tabulated in Tables 6.1-6.3, together with the effective thicknesses, but will be discussed in the following section.
Figures 6.2 and 6.3 compare the experimental
data and simulations, with different input parameters, of the Ydistribution of the decay electrons image in the upstream layer. The data
were obtained via the MWPC imaging system, while the Monte Carlo code, SMC,
simulated the imaging process in the detector with the initial muon beam
stopping distribution and the wire chamber resolutions as input
parameters. In Fig. 6.2, Gaussian distributions with
varying FWHM were assumed for the initial beam distribution in the XYplane, while flat-top Gaussian distributions, defined by
Eq. 6.3, with varying Rflat and
used for Fig. 6.3. The Gaussian beam of FWHM
and the flat-top Gaussian with the flat top radius Rflat of
mm and Gaussian FWHMg
mm seem to reproduce the experimental data rather well.
The resulting effective thicknesses are summarized in
Table 6.1. The variation in the thicknesses with these
values of beam parameters is less than 3%. The wire chamber resolution,
of 1 mm is used for this analysis, but variation of the
wire chamber resolutions between 0.2 mm and 4 mm did not affect this
The profile of the
atomic beam reaching the downstream layer generally
depends on, but differs from, that of muon beam stopping in the upstream
layer. The SMC, with all the physics in it, was used to simulate the
former, using the latter as SMC input. The resulting profiles were
parameterized similarly to the upstream case.
Figure 6.4 illustrates an example of the simulated radial
profiles of the
beam reaching the downstream layer (plotted with
error bars), for which the input to the simulation of a flat-top
Gaussian beam, with
Rflat=12 mm and FWHMg=12 mm, was assumed for
the upstream beam profile. Shown as a histogram is a parameterization of
that profile using a flat-top Gaussian function. The flat radius of 4 mm
and Gaussian FWHM of 28 mm give a reasonable
per degree of
freedom (DOF) of 1.05. If a Gaussian distribution is assumed, a FWHM of
32.4 mm with
DOF of
1.80 was obtained in the fit.
Table 6.2 summarizes the effective thickness for the
downstream layer with the different US beam distribution. For the US beam
of 1010 mm, a single Gaussian function fits the simulated distribution entering the DS target reasonably well, but for larger US
widths, the fitted FWHM values depend on the region of the fit (e.g. [-29;29]
mm vs. [-35;35] mm), and a flat-top Gaussian function gave better
as well as a more stable fit. The different DS beam parameters for
the same US parameter in the table reflect variations due to the fitting
region size. The deuterium overlayer of 48.3 (
was assumed
for the simulations.
As discussed in Section 3.3.2 in Chapter 3 (see
Fig. 3.16 in page ), the layer
thickness depends on the distance between the diffuser surface and the
target foil surface according to our film deposition simulations. Although
the distance for the upstream layer was similar to the calibration
measurements in Section 3.3 (
mm), that for the
downstream foil was closer, i.e.
mm. Therefore the calibration
factors have to scaled by a factor
This factor was
determined by comparing the areas between the simulations for the foil
distance 8 mm and 2.8 mm in Fig. 3.16. About 3%
uncertainty in the scaling is due to the choice of the interval within
which the ratio was taken; [-15, 15] mm and [-30, 30] mm are the two
extreme intervals considered, and the average between them was used as the
scaling factor.
In general, the
beam profile at the downstream layer depends on the
thickness of the overlayer in the upstream layer. This is partly due to the
more forward peaked angular divergence of
going through the
overlayer, and also because the moderated
with larger angles are
less likely to survive to reach the downstream layer due to the longer
flight path. This effect was investigated in Table 6.3
with the US beam of 1010 mm assumed, and found to have about 6%
effect in the effective thickness.