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Muon decay electron time spectrum fit
Fits of muon decay electron time spectra to the exponential functions
were performed taking into account the finite size of the time bins.
For the muon stopping in M different elements, it obviously holds in
the continuous approximation that
are the numbers of muons in the element k at time t,
in which the muon disappearance rate is
By solving Eq. C.1 for ,
we have a number of
decay per unit time
where N0k is the number of muons at t=0 in the
element k with
that Eq. C.2 can be decomposed into a set of M uncoupled
independent equations.
On the other hand, the decay electron detection rate, which we measure in
our experiments, is
is the detector efficiency for decay
electrons from the element k, and
is the branching ratio
of the muon-to-electron decay to total muon disappearance
is the muon decay rate in free space, and, for the
element k, Qk is the Huff factor,
the nuclear
capture rate, and
is an effective rate representing
other loss mechanisms such as muon transfer to heavier elements and muonic
atom emission
The Huff factor ()
takes into account the effect of muon binding
to the nucleus, resulting in reduced phase space available as well as the
time dilation of the muon's proper time with respect to the lab frame, both
of which in turn lead to the reduction in muon decay rate, according to
Huff [226]. Thus we have
We used
Note that because of muon loss channels it is
rather than
which is in the
normalization factor in the final line of
Eq. C.5.
The actual experimental time spectra are histogrammed in a finite size of
time bin ,
hence are discrete function of ti (
To reflect this, Eq. C.5 is integrated
over ,
Evaluating Eq. C.6, we have
This can be rearranged as
which can be expanded in
Eq. C.9 is an explicit expression for the intuitively obvious
conclusion that, in the limit of small ,
counts in a histogram
bin are propotional to its bin size. It also shows that the use of the
integrated fitting fucntion Eq. C.7 is necessary unless
i.e., the bin size is much smaller
than the lifetime
Thus, our fit function
is, with a background term
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